- Affiliation
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Information Systems
- Title
- Courses - Undergraduate
- Courses - Graduate
- Specialization
Space and planetary sciences
Theory of informatics
High performance computing
Perceptual information processing
- Educational Background, Biography
- Current Research Theme
- Key Topic
- Affiliated Academic Society
Main research
- Hakoniwa Program (Moon/Mars Garden Program)
- Promotion of Space Software from UoA! (Factories for Start-Up Ventures, etc.)
This has been started as an educational project supported by Coordination Funds for Promoting AeroSpace Utilizaiton MEXT (2017-19).
O02-2 Factories for Start-Up Ventures no.2 Space Utilization of Remote Sensing Data, CFS Creative Factory Seminar, O03 SCCP Lunar and Planetary Data Analysis & Tanpopo on ISS, and delivery lectures for junior/senior highschool students.
- Student Cooperative Class Project: Lunar and Planetary Data Analysis & Tanpopo Project on ISS
Student Cooperative Class Project: Lunar and Planetary Data Analysis