Associate Professor
- Affiliation
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Information Systems
- Title
- Associate Professor
- nisidate@u-aizu.ac.jp
- Courses - Undergraduate
- Computer Graphics, Numerical Analysis, Operating Systems, Integrated Exercise for Software I
- Courses - Graduate
- Finite Element Modeling and Visualization
- Specialization
Mathematical informatics
High performance computing
Computational science
Computational Modeling, Simulation, and Visualization
- Educational Background, Biography
2009 Doctor of Computer Science and Engineering (Univ. Aizu)
2009-2011 Researcher (RIKEN)
2011- Visiting Researcher (RIKEN)
2011- Associate Professor (Univ. Aizu)Investigation
- Current Research Theme
- Key Topic
- Affiliated Academic Society
Main research
- Smart Museum
Role: Improve visitor experience at the Fukushima Museum
Target: Visitor support and exhibition design
Value: Improve visitor learning and knowledge acquisition
Currently, it is difficult to obtain objective data on visitor’s behavior in viewing the exhibits that is necessary for evaluation/improvement.
Also, it is currently difficult to understand the visitor’s learning experience so as to provide necessary support.
To improve the situation, it is desired to be able to objectively grasp visitor’s behavior within the exhibit hall.
Furthermore, it is required to collect visitor’s learning experience without hindering their experiences.
Therefore, a system that objectively measures visitor behavior and supports curators for analysis and interpretation will be developed.
Visitor’s satisfaction in terms of learning improves.
(1)Realize objective thorough measurement of visitor behavior.
(2)Develop devices/applications for visitors that encourages/induces appreciation of exhibits.
(3)Develop advanced computational methods to analyze and visualize visitor behavior.
(4)Develop a system for curators that encourages analyzing and interpreting the measured/computed visitor behavior.
(5)Develop a system to assist curators in designing exhibitions based on the analysis and interpretation.
Dissertation and Published Works
1. Y. Nishidate and G. P. Nikishkov
"Generalized plane strain deformation of multilayer structures with initial strains"
Journal of Applied Physics 100(10), 113518 (2006).
2. Y. Nishidate and G. P. Nikishkov
"Effect of thickness on the self-positioning of nanostructures"
Journal of Applied Physics 102(8), 083501 (2007).
3. Y. Nishidate and G. P. Nikishkov
"Atomic-scale Modeling of Self-Positioning Nanostructures"
CMES-Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 26(2), pp. 91-106 (2008).
4. Y. Nishidate and G. P. Nikishkov
"Atomic-Scale Analysis of Self-Positioning Nanostructures"
e-Journal of Surface Science and Nanotechnology 6, pp. 301-306 (2008).
5. Y. Nishidate and G. P. Nikishkov
"Curvature estimate for multilayer rolled-up nanostructures with cubic crystal anisotropy under initial strains"
Journal of Applied Physics 105(8), 093536 (2009).
6. Y. Nishidate, T. Nagata, S. Morita, and Y. Yamagata
"Ray-tracing method for isotropic inhomogeneous refractive-index media from arbitrary discrete input"
Applied Optics 50(26), pp. 5192-5199 (2011).
7. Y. Nishidate
"Closed-form analytical solutions for ray-tracing in optically anisotropic inhomogeneous media"
Journal of Optical Society of America A 30(7), pp. 1373-1379 (2013).
8. Y. Nishidate, I. Khmyrova, J. Kholopova, E. Polushkin, B. Shevchenko, and S. Shapoval
"Numerical Study of Light-Emitting Diode with Injected Current Modulated by Designed Electrode,"
Optical Review 23(5), pp. 798-805 (2016).
9. Y. Nishidate and I. Khmyrova
"Numerical Procedure for Modeling of Light Emitting Diode with Mesh-Like Electrode,"
Journal of Physics: Conf. Ser. 936, 012010 (2017).