ROY Debopriyo
- Affiliation
- Center for Language Research
- Title
- Professor
- droy@u-aizu.ac.jp
- Web site
- http://droyjapan.com/
- Courses - Undergraduate
- Speaking and Writing 2, 3; Information Design; Writing in the Workplace, Writing and Design for E-learning, Writing and Design with LEGO
- Courses - Graduate
- Documentation for Technical ProceduresTechnical Writing for Software EngineeringMultinational Business Communication
- Specialization
My research goal is to improve English language guidelines in technical communication, better analyse the process of information design, and understand the usage of usability techniques in a way such that complex online and mechanical procedures related to end-user software and hardware usage offer better affordances. I am currently designing graphical queuing techniques for static illustrations and supported English text used for online instructions in educational contexts. Currently, my Kakenhi research project is focused on task-based language teaching based on in-class additive manufacturing processes such as LEGO prototyping, 3D scanning and 3D printing. Research Key Words:Document DesignProcedural Visuals DesignUsability TestingTechnical IllustrationsStatistical Analysis of Web InteractionsOnline Collaboration and Interface Design
- Educational Background, Biography
- 04/1999 - MA Economics from Delhi School of Economics, New Delhi, INDIA 08/2001 - MA Communications from Louisiana State University LA, USA 08/2005 - PhD from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, NY, USA 04/2004-03/2005 - Adjunct Professor, Hartwick College, NY, USA 08/2005-04/2007 - Asst. Professor of Technical Communication at University of North Texas, TX, USA 04/2007-03/2008 - Associate Professor, UoA 04/2008-Current - Senior Associate Professor, UoA 04/2010-Current - Director of Technical Communication Laboratory
- Current Research Theme
- 3D Printing and Information Design for In-class Additive Manufacturing Processes: A Computer Assisted Language Teaching Perspective using Technical Communication
- Key Topic
- Procedural DesignUsability TestingIllustrations DesignInformation and Document Design3D Printing and Computer Assisted Language Learning
- Affiliated Academic Society
- Hobbies
- Design analysis, reading English books, playing Chess and watching movies
- School days' Dream
- As a child and later as a young man, I was very interested in understanding how people communicate effectively, how movies are made, and how comic books are designed. I always wanted to understand how people connect with one another.
- Current Dream
- I want to make students understand how different interfaces and illustrations work for design purposes, and teach English for science and engineering in the process.
- Motto
- "When you want something, the entire universe conspires in helping you to achieve it." - Paulo Coelho
- Favorite Books
- Dale Carnegie "How to Win Friends & Influence People" - For more than sixty years the rock-solid, time-tested advice in this book has carried thousands of now famous people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. Sugata Bose "A Hundred Horizons: The Indian Ocean in the Age of Global Empire" - A marvelous depiction of the geopolitics of the Indian Ocean region and what it means for America. Thomas L. Friedman "From Beirut to Jerusalem" - Winner of the 1989 National Book Award for nonfiction, this extraordinary bestseller is still the most incisive, thought-provoking book ever written about the Middle East.
- Messages for Students
- Message for Undergraduate Students: Enjoy college life, make friends, discuss Japan and the world, think globally, try to develop an innovative and analytic mind, and help people grow around you. Message for Graduate Students: Prepare yourself for the competition ahead, keep up with the current developments in the field, and try to think differently.
Main research
- Technical Writing and Information Design with 3D Printing and LEGO
Research Focus:
My research projects are focused on designing task-based language learning (TBLL) tools for technical writing in educational settings, especially in an EFL context. These projects emphasize on the design of assessment tools for computer science majors in technical and business writing courses. Besides, I am also focusing on the use of graphic organizers for comprehending complex procedural text in computer science context. My research focuses on understanding procedural information design and technical writing genres in the context of usability testing methods.
Current Kakenhi Research:
This 3D Printing and Digital Storytelling (DST) research is a 3-year project on designing undergraduate and graduate courses during which students will design and 3D print tiny amulets (omamuri) and mascots (yurakyura) for key chains, bags, shoes, mobile phones, car and sport accessories etc; and script, video-record and deliver persuasive English sales presentations about their 3D printed products for web-based archiving, sales and distribution. We will use 3D printing of amulets and DST to connect students to the new wave of open-source and "do-it-yourself" product design, creation and presentation. 3D printing represents the 3rd industrial revolution in manufacturing while DST is widely used for university-based technology courses. These additive manufacturing based projects will promote enterpreneurship, active task-based language learning, develop project management skills and English technical writing and information design expertise. These projects will promote active language learning situations to meet the educational needs of computer science students as follows:- |TAB|
- establishment of a collaborative 3D printing and DST English context in a micro-factory scenario, |TAB|
- promotion of technical writing and oral presentation skills in English to develop international skills, |TAB|
- group workflow activities for integrating writing, critical thinking and active learning (Bean, 2011), |TAB|
- developing a production workflow for 3D printing (Horvath, 2014) and DST requirements, |TAB|
- incremental sequencing of tasks and/or skills (instructional and document design), and |TAB|
- fostering student individual and group responsibility in their learning. |TAB|
- encouraging project management skills with hands-on in-class additive manufacturing
Details of Research:
My current research will see work on digital humanities as an interdisciplinary field of research that helps us better understand, explore and use technologies with an aim to shed new light on humanities research. My work in task-based language teaching (TBLT) and technical communication for physical procedures support the teaching and research at the intersection of the disciplines in computing and humanities. My research in technical communication and design bring a different perspective to my teaching of writing in collaborative learning environments. The state-of-the art research environment at the Univ. of Aizu makes it possible for me to teach in a technical environment and combine the social aspects of technology in a multi-disciplinary context. In line with my Kakenhi research grant, my current research will see the use of technologies such as CAD Design, 3D printing and 3D scanning to make students participate in in-class collaborative additive manufacturing processes for English learning in a flipped classroom model. My experiments involve student groups for online collaboration leading to the development of concept maps, prototyping and design of daily-life objects, structural, functional and usability analysis, and communicate about the research through different qualitative and quantitative instruments and technical presentations. My research on TBLT will help me develop writing courses on topics of information design, LEGO prototyping, and design for the World Wide Web and eLearning. The future plan on the innovative 3D printing course is expected to implement a workflow of team-oriented in-class production of tiny amulets and mascots for computer science students. In an English language classroom, this will result in narrative digital storytelling (DST) documentaries of 3D-designed and printed products. Currently, a 3D printing-design laboratory is being set up and design procedures studied. Next, students will develop product design using CAD software, write about it extensively and 3D scan/print tiny amulets. Finally, DST will be implemented in elective courses. My research on rhetoric of digital procedural design will focus on the mechanism how humans interact with different artifacts and how such interaction shapes and modifies both digital and human identity.
Dissertation and Published Works
Roy, D. (2017). 3D Printing in a Language Teaching Context with Technical Writing Focus. Proceedings of the International JTCA Conference, Tokyo, August 2017. (Forthcoming).
Roy, D. and Crabbe, S. (2017). 3D Printing with Critical Thinking and Systems Design: An Innovative Approach to Task-based Language Teaching in Technical Communication. Proceedings of the International CALL2017 Research Conference, University of California, Berkeley, San Francisco, USA. (Forthcoming).
Roy, D. (2017). 3D Printing for Task-based Language Teaching in an EFL Context. An Innovative Pedagogical Approach to the Teaching of Technical Communication. Abstract Proceedings of the CALICO 2017 International Conference, Flagstaff, Arizona.
Roy, D. (2017). 3D Printing for Multidisciplinary Education: A Technology with Diverse Potential. Proceedings of the INTED 2017 International Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Roy, D. (2017). Using Design Pedagogy with LEGO and CAD Software in a Task-based English as Foreign Language Teaching Context. Proceedings of the INTED 2017 International Conference, Valencia, Spain.
Roy, D. (2017). Task-based EFL Language Teaching with Procedural Information Design in a Technical Writing Context. Cogent Education, 4: 1264174. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2016.1264174. Taylor and Francis online.
Roy, D. (2016). Understanding Visual Systems and Patterns in Technical Illustrations. Canadian International Journal of Social Science and Education. Vol 6, 177-186. Journal Index.
Roy, D., and Crabbe, S. (2016). How Current Working Memory and Interactive Interfaces could Influence Information Retrieval from Long-term Memory in English as Foreign Language Learning Context. Language in Focus. Papaja. K and Can. C. (Eds.) Cambridge Scholars Press, UK.
Roy, D., Crabbe, S., and Lubashevsky, I. (2016). Importance of Situational Context and Response in Memory Recall: Reader Performance in English as Foreign Language Learning Context. Language in Focus. Papaja, K. and Can. C. (Eds.) Cambridge Scholars Press, UK.
Roy, D. (2016). Using iPad for 3D Scanning, Design and Technical Documentation: A Perspective in Task-based Language Teaching. Proceedings of the ACM SIGDOC Conference, Washington DC. September 21-23.
Roy, D. (2016). 3D Printing-based Initiatives in a Developing Economy Context: A Holistic Approach. Proceedings of the IEEE-ACM Chapter ICIIT Conference, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Roy, D. (2016). Task-based Technical Communication with 3D Printing-based Initiatives in a Foreign Language Teaching Context. Proceedings of the Annual Technical Communication Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, October 8-10.
Roy, D. and Yasuta, T. (2016). 外国語教育における3Dプリンティングベースのプログラムを用いたタスクベーステクニカルコミュニケーション. Proceedings of the Annual Technical Communication Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, October 8-10.
Roy, D. (2015). Design Education in Creative Factory Contexts for Task-based English Language Learning. Proceedings of the Annual Technical Communication Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, October 8-10.
Roy, D and Katsuko, K. (2015). タスクベース英語学習を目的とした創造的制作環境におけるデザイン教育.Proceedings of the Annual Technical Communication Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, October 8-10.
Roy, D, and Crabbe, S. (2014). Website Analysis in an EFL Context: Content Comprehension, Usability Perceptions, and Awareness of Reading Strategies. ReCALL, Cambridge University Press.
Roy, D., Brine, J., and Murasawa, F. (2014). Usability of Note-taking Software in English as Foreign Language Learning Context. Computer Assisted Language Learning, Routledge. DOI: 10.1080/09588221.2014.889715
Roy, D. (2014). Using Website Analysis as a Tool for Computer Assisted Language Learning in a Foreign Language Classroom. International Journal of Computer Assisted Language Learning and Teaching. IGI Global.
Roy, D. (2014). Perception of Objects in Technical Illustrations. Proceedings of the Annual Technical Communication Symposium, August 25, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
Roy, D. (2014). イラストレーションに関するその物体の知覚 (Shortened Japanese version). Proceedings of the Annual Technical Communication Symposium, August 25, 2014, Tokyo, Japan.
Roy, D. (2014). Efficacy of Technical Illustrations in a Technical Communication Environment. Proceedings of the IAFOR Asian Conference on Media and Mass Communication, November 13 – 16, 2014, Osaka, Japan.
Roy, D. (2014). Designing Optimal Viewpoints in Technical Illustrations. Proceedings of the IAFOR Asian Conference on Media and Mass Communication, November 13 – 16, 2014, Osaka, Japan.
Roy, D. 2013. Towards Experience Design: The Changing Face of Technical Communication. Connexions. 1 (1), pp. 111 – 118.
Roy, D. and Brine, J. 2013. Design Thinking in EFL Context: Studying the Potential for Language Teaching and Learning. The International Journal of Design Education, Volume 6, Issue 2, pp.1-21.
Roy, D. (2013). Metacognitive Awareness of Reading Strategies for Website analysis in an EFL Active Learning Context. In. Hamada, M. (Ed). Active and Collaborative Learning: Practices, Problems and Prospects. Nova Science Publishers, Inc. New York.
Roy, D. Elearning and Usability: A Social Science Approach to Information Design. Proceedings of the ACM – University of Moratuwa Technical Meeting, December 5th, 2013, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
Roy, D. 2012. Website Analysis as a Tool for Task-based Language Learning and Higher Order Thinking in an EFL Context. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1 – 27. Routledge. DOI:10.1080/09588221.2012.751549 .
Cortez, R. P. and Roy, D (May, 2012). Screen Interface Design for Mobile Assisted Language Learning in EFL Context. A Case Study in Japan. Journal of Language Teaching and Research, Vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 353-368. 7224-15918-1-PB
Roy, D. 2011. Designing Concept Maps from Procedural Visuals: An Innovative Approach Towards Information Processing in EFL Context. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, vol. 4. no. 18, pp. 13 – 26.
Roy, D. March 2011. Designing Systems-focused Collaborative Learning for EFL Business and Technical Writing Courses. Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain.
Roy, D. March 2011. An Argument on the Use of Eye Tracking and Think-aloud Protocols as Mutual Support Systems for Usability Testing. Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain.
Cortez, P, Roy, D and Vazhenin. A. 2011. Mobile Assisted Language Acquisition. An Overview of the Field and Future Opportunities Based on 3G Mobile Capabilities. Proceedings of the 1st ACM Chapter Conference on E-learning and Technical Documentation.
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan. (International Transactions on Elearning and Usability, Volume 2, No. 1).
Roy, D. 2010. Concept Maps for Teaching Technical Writing to Computer Science Majors. A Case Study in a Japanese Technical Institute. International Journal of Learning, vol. 17, Issue 1, pp.421-442. IJL2010
Roy, D. 2010. Is there a Significant Pattern in the way Readers use Procedural Information? A Case Study in Technical Communication. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 14, pp. 176-194.
Roy, D. 2010. India as an Outsourcing Destination for Technical Writing Projects: The Dynamics of Language, Culture, Education and Business. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Vol. 3, No. 11, pp. 317-337.
Roy, D. July 2010. Concept Map-Oriented Technical Writing Approach for Computer Science Majors in an EFL Context: Understanding Text Applications in an Experimental Study. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference, Netherlands.
Roy, D. July, 2010. Reading Strategies for Procedural Information in EFL Business Writing Environment: An Exploratory Analysis. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference, Netherlands.
T. Chaminda, Basnayake, A and Roy, D. 2010. Localizing Japanese Product Information in English for Internationals. Issues in Technical Writing and Usability. Proceedings of the 1st Technical Meeting in Elearning and Usability, Aizu, Japan.
Roy, D. 2009. Designing EFL-based Business Communication Course in a Virtual Learning Environment: A Work in Progress. Proceedings of the 12th Humans and Computers Conference. Shizuoka, Japan.
Roy, D. June 2009. Designing Complex Instructional Situations: Proceedings of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference. Bad Hofgastein, Austria. AUS198
Roy, D. June 2009. Off-shoring Technical Writing Projects to India: Studying the Potential in an Emerging Market. Proceedings of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences Conference,. Bad Hofgastein, Austria. AUS199
Roy, D. March 2009. Exploring the Usability of Collaborative Interfaces and Users’ Preference in Combining Resources for Technical Document Production. Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain.
Roy, D. and Brine, J. March 2009. Intelligent Graphics and Media Richness: Redefining Text as a Medium. Proceedings of the International Technology, Education and Development Conference. Valencia, Spain.
Roy, D. 2009. Designing Complex Instructional Illustrations: A Case Study with Patient Education Modules. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Japan Chapter Annual Conference. Tokyo, Japan.
Roy, D. 2008. Designing Text-Graphics Procedural Instructions for Surgical Patient Education Modules: An Experimental Study. Technical Communication Quarterly. 17 (2), 173 – 201.
Roy, D. 2008. Procedural Instructions for Surgical Patient Education Modules: Spatial Perspectives in Technical Communication. VDM Verlag Press. (Available in Amazon) http://www.amazon.com/Procedural-Instructions-Surgical-Patient-Education/dp/363909395X
Roy, D & Brine, J. (2008). Structured Authoring of Technical Documents through Systematic Collaboration in Using Open-Source Technologies. Proceedings of the 7TH IASTED International Conference on Web-based Education, Innsbruck, Austria.
Roy, D. 2008. Designing Instructional Graphics for Surgical Education. Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications, Innsbruck, Austria.
Roy, D. 2008. Using Concept Maps for Information Conceptualization and Schematization in Technical Reading and Writing Courses: A Case Study for Computer Science Majors in Japan. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference,
Montreal, Canada.
Roy, D. 2007. Significance of Configuration and Subassemblies in Sequential Procedural Instructions: An Experimental Study. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication, 50 (2). 147-162.
Brine, J. and Roy, D. 2007. Using Open Source Systems to Teach Technical Document Production in a Japanese University. Proceedings of the IEEE PCSJ Seminar, Aizu-Wakamatsu city, Japan.
Roy, D and Johnson, N. 2007. Using Knowledge Models for Designing Problem-solving Activities in a Technical Writing Course. Proceedings of the IEEE PCSJ Seminar, Aizu-Wakamatsu City. Japan.
Brine, J, Wilson, I and Roy, D. 2007. Using Moodle and other software tools in EFL courses in a Japanese IT university. In T. Miyazaki, I. Paik, and D. Wei (Eds.) Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT 2007).
Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society Press. pp.1059-1064.
Roy, D. 2007. Designing an Experimental Study to Explore Spatial Representations in English Software Manuals for Non-native Speakers. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference, Seattle, WA.
Roy, D. 2006. Using Graphic Indicators to Facilitate Mechanical Reasoning in Procedural Graphics. Technical Communication. 53 (4). 1-17.
Roy, D. 2006. Text-Graphic Instructions that Help Readers Mentally Animate Procedures: A Case Study with Surgical Patient Education Modules. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference,Saratoga Springs, NY.
Roy, D. 2005. Spatial perspectives in text-graphics and reader’s mental models: Testing the efficacy of surgical procedural instruction for patients. Dissertation Abstracts International, A: The Humanities and Social Sciences, , 2564-A.
Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/85634136?accountid=139204. (prod.academic_MSTAR_85634136; 200611178).
Krull, R, D’Souza, S, Roy, D and Sharp, D, M. 2004. Designing Procedural Instructions. IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication. 47 (1). 15 – 26.
Roy, D and Grice, R. 2004. Towards Text-Visual Connectivity for Sequential Procedural Instruction: Developing Reader Comprehension. Technical Communication. 51 (4). 517-525.
Roy, D. 2004. A Self-Paced Approach to Hypermedia Design for Patient Education. Proceedings of ACM SIGDOC Annual Conference, Memphis, TN, pp. 27-32.
Krull, R., Roy, D., D’Souza, S., and Morgan, M. 2003. User Perceptions and Point of View in Technical Illustrations. Proceedings of the Society for Technical Communication, Dallas, TX, pp. 19-26.
Roy, D., & Grice, R. 2003. Content Management Strategy and Heuristic Evaluation of a Model Electronic Portfolio. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference, Orlando, FL. pp. 117-131.
Roy, D., & Sharp, D. M. 2003. Reader Perceptions in Sequencing Procedural Graphics of Complex Machines. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference, Orlando, FL, pp. 230-238.
Krull, R., Sharp, D, M., & Roy, D. 2003. Canonical Views in Procedural Graphics. Proceedings of the IEEE Professional Communication Society Conference, Orlando, FL, pp. 22-28."