- Affiliation
- Center for Cultural Research and Studies
- Title
- Professor
- yuiami@gmail.com
- Web site
- https://yuiami.wordpress.com/
- Courses - Undergraduate
- Academic Skills 1
Academic Skills 2
Philosophy (English)
Philosophy (Japanese)
History of Science
- Courses - Graduate
- Specialization
Philosophy of Science (esp. Philosophy of Biology)
History of Science
Environmental Ethics
- Educational Background, Biography
- Current Research Theme
- Key Topic
- Affiliated Academic Society
- The International Society for History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB)
Philosophy of Science Association
American Philosophical Association
Dissertation and Published Works
Finding Value-Ladenness in Evolutionary Psychology: Examining Nelson's Arguments, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences、45:36 (Springer)
Do New Evolutionary Studies of Consciousness Face Similar Methodological Problems As Evolutionary Studies of Mind?, Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 31(1), 31-53.
Did Social Interactions Shape the Reflective Mind?, Kagakutetugaku Kagakusi Kenkyu (Philosophy and History of Science Studies), 15, pp. 1-24
The Effects of ``L-S Reading'' in English Extensive Reading Courses, HELES Journal, 18, pp.51-65.
The general concept of species, Journal of Philosophical Ideas, Special Issue(Institute of Philosophy, Seoul National University), pp. 89-120.
A tale of two minds: Past, present and future, Annals of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, 24, pp. 21-43
Prototypical reasoning about species and the species problem, Biological Theory, 10(4), pp. 289-300.
The natural frequency hypothesis and evolutionary arguments, Mind & Society, 14(1), pp. 1-19.
The Communication Puzzle of the Species Problem, Annals of the Japan Association for the Philosophy of Science, 21, pp. 1-20.
What a tale of two minds can be, in Nakao H. (ed.), Proceedings of CAPE International Workshops, 2012, CAPE Publications, Kyoto, Japan, pp. 69-76.
The Modal Flexibility of Photographic Artworks Tetsugaku Kenkyu (The Journal of Philosophical Studies), 593, pp.1-15.