ASAI Kazuto
Senior Associate Professor
- Affiliation
- Department of Computer Science and Engineering/Division of Computer Science
- Title
- Senior Associate Professor
- k-asai@u-aizu.ac.jp
- Web site
- www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~k-asai
- Courses - Undergraduate
- Courses - Graduate
- Specialization
Theory of informatics
Computational science
Combinatorial Phenomena in the Representation Theory. Algebraic Combinatorics. Young Diagrams and Young Tableaux. Superpositions of Analytic Functions of Several Variables and the Systems of Partial Differential Equations. Graphs and Packings.
- Educational Background, Biography
- Current Research Theme
- Generalized Chebyshev functions. Graphs and Packings.
- Key Topic
- Affiliated Academic Society
Dissertation and Published Works
1.Kazuto Asai,Kodai Mathematical Journal,1,31--35,Taylor expansion of implicit functions defined by linear equations of variables,24,2001,2.Kazuto Asai,Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya,,1,31 -- 48,Homogeneous partial differential equations for superpositions of indeterminate functions of several variables,73,2009,3.Kazuto Asai,Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya,
Russian Academy of Sciences, Steklov Mathematical Institute
Izvestiya: Mathematics (English translation), London Mathematical Society,,1,31--48; 31--46 (English translation),Homogeneous partial differential equations for superpositions of indeterminate functions of several variables ,73,2009,4.Kazuto Asai,Kyushu Journal of Mathematics ,9,2,307–-313,The group generated by the gamma functions $\Gamma(ax+1)$, and its subgroup of the elements converging to constants,68,2014