International Talk Special Edition Online “Piano & Talk ” by Professor Pyshkin will be held!
Event Report"FromFrom Inc.", " Moon and Planets, LLC", and " Branchism Inc." were awarded the title of "University of Aizu Venture".
ActivitiesEvent ReportFirst-year students of Aizu Gakuho Junior High School learned about the Hayabusa2 Project
OthersEvent ReportAY2021 Spring Degree Conferment Ceremony
Event ReportPrime Minister Kishida visits Aizu Wakamatsu City and interacts with the President and students of Aizu University
Event ReportAY 2021 Autumn Degree Conferment Ceremony
Event ReportInt’l. Talk special online edition!:“Let’s learn about student life in Germany-Part 2!”was held!
Event ReportThe Opening Ceremony for Fukushima Women's IT Career Enhancement Program held
Studies and CollaborationsEvent ReportEntrance Ceremony of AY2021
Event Report2021.03.31