On Sunday, August 21 and Monday, August 22, 2022, Research Center for Advanced Information Science and Technology (CAIST), AI Center, and Center for Space Informatics (ARC-Space) jointly held the "UoA Joint Research Forum 2022" online.

Part 1: Research Center/Cluster Reports
Each center and cluster (research team) reported on their research activities, and during the Q&A session, faculty members asked questions and offered their opinions, creating a lively time for academic exchange.

Part 2: Keynote Speeches
Professor ESAKI Hiroshi of the Graduate School of the University of Tokyo, Chief Architect of the Digital Agency, gave a lecture on "Implementation of Digital Infrastructure for Digital Garden City Nation".
In addition, Professor YOKOGAWA Shinji, Director of the University of Electro-Communications Info-Powered Energy Systems Research Center, gave a lecture on " Information and Communication Technology Opens the Way to Carbon Neutrality in Japan".

Part 2: Panel Discussion
In addition to the two keynote speakers, Mr. KURODA Satoshi, President of Information System Engineering Inc. and Mr. MIZUTA Takanobu, President of Tohoku Techno Arch Co., Ltd. and Professor ISHIBASHI Shiro, Director of University Business Innovation Center (UBIC) from our university, participated in the panel discussion, which focused on cutting-edge university research and its practical application in industry. The theme of the session was " Advanced Research at Universities and Social Implementation by Industry", and we were able to hear the opinions of each panelist. The panelists also gave their opinions on "what kind of human resources each participant is looking for," and the event ended on a high note.

CAIST, AI Center, and ARC-Space will continue to contribute to the promotion of regional industries and the creation of new industries through research activities and the dissemination of results.

The University of Tokyo Graduate School of Information Science and Technology / Professor, ESAKI Hiroshi

The University of Electro-Communications Info-Powered Energy System Research Center / Director, Professor YOKOGAWA Shinji

Information System Engineering Inc. Representative / Director, President, KURODA Satoshi

Tohoku Techno Arch Co., Ltd. / President, MIZUTA Takanobu

the University of Aizu Director of UBIC / Professor, ISHIBASHI Shiro


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