Student Cooperative Class Project (SCCP)

A Peek Inside Computers


The objectives of this course is to fill in the gap between the theory and practice. In particular, we will provide the students with opportunities for the following experiences: We will also practice to read and write technical documents, which is one of the weakest aspects for the University of Aizu students.

Please note that students need to actively participate in the project and discuss with the instructor for planning and tailoring one's own project.

Course Schedule

Due to the nature of the project-oriented course, exact and detailed schedule of will be determined after the discussion between each student and the instructor.


Grading Scheme

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade.

A student who fails to attend more than 30% of the classes (i.e. four class meetings) and/or does not perform the following (without justifiable reasons) will receive Unsatisfactory grade:

Project Reports


Both reports are in Japanese.


Both reports are in Japanese.


Both reports are in Japanese.


Both reports are in Japanese.


Recent Topics

The students participated in this SCCP worked on the following topics (not exhaustive). Please contact the instructor if you are interested in the projects.
Hitoshi Oi