RESEARCH LIST Research and Industry-Academia Collaboration 研究・産学連携 > Research and Industry-Academia Collaboration > Research List Filter Category Linguistics Economic statistics Educational psychology Space and planetary sciences Communication and network engineering Control and system engineering Electron device and electronic equipment Social systems engineering Disaster prevention engineering Sports sciences Theory of informatics Mathematical informatics Statistical science Computer system Software Information network Information security Database High performance computing Computational science Perceptual information processing Human interface and interaction Intelligent informatics Soft computing Intelligent robotics Life\, health and medical informatics Web informatics and service informatics Learning support system Entertainment and game informatics Biomedical engineering Others Clear Faculty List Search Word Order alphabet(asc) alphabet(desc) Adaptive Anthropomorphic Robots Control and system engineering BEN ABDALLAH Abderazek Professor, Regent (Dean of the Undergraduate school) Embedded Machine Learning Systems (algorithm optimization, FPGA acceleration, real-time processing, applications exploration) Control and system engineering Computer system BEN ABDALLAH Abderazek Professor, Regent (Dean of the Undergraduate school) Processor interconnection networks (3D-NoC, 3D-TSV, SiPh-2D/3D-NoC, Hybrid) Control and system engineering Computer system High performance computing BEN ABDALLAH Abderazek Professor, Regent (Dean of the Undergraduate school) « 1 »