2024.05.14 2024.04.23 2024.03.28 Degree Conferment Ceremony for AY 2023Spring Held
News ReleaseConnection Failure of the External Communication Line
OthersNews ReleaseStudentsStudies and CollaborationsSuccessful 10-band spectroscopic imaging using the Multi-Band Camera (MBC) onboard the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)
News ReleaseStudies and CollaborationsUniversity of Aizu Researchers Participated in the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM) Exploration
News ReleaseStudies and CollaborationsImages taken by the Multi-Band Camera (MBC) on board the Smart Lander for Investigating Moon (SLIM)
News ReleaseStudies and CollaborationsFor Students (Response to Earthquake at Noto Peninsular 2024)
News ReleaseStudents2023.12.19