On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, the Degree Conferment Ceremony of Autumn AY2024 was held. 48 individuals, including 23 from the Computer Science and Engineering Master's Program, 10 from the Doctoral Program, and 15 from the Undergraduate School of Computer Science and Engineering received degrees.

At the conferment ceremony, President TSUKAHARA Tsuneo used his address to encourage the newly-minted graduates, stating "The cutting-edge technologies and skills you acquired at the university will serve you over your entire life as the basis for solving challenges with uncertain solutions, such as the declining birthrate and aging population, rural economic decline, and increasingly extreme natural disasters. I urge all of you to use this knowledge and skills as the foundation to train your negative capability through daily practice, develop your ability to discern the true nature of things, and continue to strive to move your lives and society in a more prosperous direction."

For student commendation, Ms. GOZALY Angelita, who graduated completed the bachelor's program, and Mr. VILARDELL BELLES Ramon, who graduated completed the master's program, were awarded the President's Award and a supplementary prize.

Ms. GOZALY Angelita, representing those who completed the respective programs expressed her gratitude and future plans in her address, stating "Saying goodbye to this university is indeed very difficult. It has been a place of growth, learning, and transformation. And most importantly, it has been our home for the last few years. However, let us move forward and carry the lessons we have learned, the friendships we have made, and the knowledge we have gained here, and use them to make a positive impact wherever we go, to continue the mission of this university, "to advance knowledge for humanity"."

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