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Services in campus

This SCCP uses Prometheus / Alertmanager / Grafana to monitor and visualize the status of Kubernetes.

Followings are available services in the SCCP.

※ For details, please ask me in the SCCP class.

User's Guide


  1. Kubernetes Internal Mechanisms [For Intermediate and Advanced Users]
  2. Kubernetes Materials
  3. About ThinkPad (Client Environment)
  4. Harbor - DockerHub Alternative
  5. KubeCamp

SCCP's Kubernetes Environments

  1. Setup the kubectl command
  2. Persistent Volume (PV&PVC)
  3. Reverse Proxy
  4. S3 Compatible Object Store (Latest Version)


  1. [Unrevised] [docker] Official Docker Tutorial Part 2
  2. [docker+k8] How to build a full-text search engine using Apache Solr
  3. [docker+k8s] Creating a Search Engine WebApp with OpenAPI+Sinatra
  4. [k8s] k8s Official Stateless Sample Application 1 (Nginx)
  5. [k8s] k8s Official Stateless Sample Application 2 (Guestbook)
  6. [Unadvised] [k8s] ............. Stateless Sample Application 3 (Socket.IO Guestbook)
  7. [keepalived] Building a keepalived cluster using APU/APU2


  1. Load Balancer (LB)