[ Language select: 日本語 ]

1. Kubernetes(k8s) Materials

Here are some commonly available documents.

Some of the books currently available do not differ much from the Japanese translations on the official website, so please try to learn online first.

However, for advanced use, such as extending the functionality of K8s itself using Kubebuilder or other tools, commercially available books will be useful.

There are also some that cover older versions. If what is written does not work, please check the target k8s version.

1.1. kubernetes.io official website

It is useful to confirm accurate information.

The number of articles in Japanese has been increasing recently, but the descriptions in Japanese may be outdated, so please compare them with the English version as appropriate.

1.2. [Gigazine article] This is an easy-to-understand explanation of containers, Docker, and Kubernetes for beginners.

Original version is here: What Are Softwares Containers?

List of Kubernetes-related videos published by IBM.

1.4. [blog]Google Cloud behind the Pokémon GO explosion.

This is an article published on the Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Japanese blog. It is not about knowing how to use K8s, but it is interesting as a concrete use case.

1.5. [Article Summary] Why do we need Kubernetes?

This is a summary of articles on Impress’s ThinkIT site. The first article does a good job of explaining why it is getting so much attention.

1.6. IBM Developer

IBM Developer had an article for developers.

Nowadays, the Japanese articles are archived on Github, though the articles are not updated, It is a good reference to learn about various case studies in companies.