
Unit 5 Closed questions -

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • be able to ask closed questions
  • be able to answer using short responses
  • have practised discussing topical news events

Activity 1: Language focus - put specific topic here

introductory sentence.

Work alone or with a partner to [add specific instruction here].

hidden response

hidden response

hidden response

hidden response

Practice asking and answering the questions. Use these answers first and then use create your own answers.


Activity 2: Shadowing practice

Listen to these questions and answers. Then say them at the same time and in the same way as your tutor.

  1. question?
  2. question?
  3. question?
  4. question?

Work in pairs. One person asks questions. One person answers. Afterwards, change roles.

Activity 3: Role play

Practise these role plays in pairs.

Intrduce scenario here.

  1. question?
  2. question?
  3. question?
  4. question?

When you have finished one role play. Change roles. Repeat.

Activity 4: Pronunciation focus - Intonation

Read this explanation about intonation.

In English, the grammar of a sentence is linked to intonation. The default intonation is a falling tone at the end of a sentence. Most sentences use this falling tone. Open questions also use the falling tone. Open questions begin with question words like what, where, who and how.

Closed questions do not use the falling intonation. Closed questions do not begin with question words like what, where, who and how. Closed questions begin with auxiliary or modal verbs like is, are, do, can, etc. Closed questions use a rising tone at the end.

Activity 5: Showing interest


It is important to show interest when having a converation. Here are some behaviours that you should NOT do.

  1. turn away from the person speaking
  2. avoid eye contact
  3. look angry, sad or bored
  4. never speak

In short, do the opposite of these, and you will be showing interest.

Activity 6: Fluency practice

Work in pairs or groups. Practice speaking based on the scenarios below.





Activity 7: Common errors

Work alone or with a partner. Identify and correct the errors below:

correct version

correct version

correct version

correct version

Ask your tutor to explain any errors you are unsure about.

Activity 8: Last word


Put text here


Can you:

  1. ask closed questions using "you"?
  2. ask closed questions using "he" or "she"?
  3. give short responses to closed questions

If you can not, make sure that you do before your next class.