
Unit 3 Open questions - Which

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • be able to ask open questions using "which"
  • understand the difference between "what" and "which"
  • have practised asking and answering questions

Activity 1: Language focus - What vs. Which

Work alone or with a partner to identify the appropriate question word.

For example, we use Who for people.





What and What

We usually use what when chosing form many things (e.g. unlimited choice). We use which when chosing from a few things (e.g. for a limited choice). However. when we use the word kind , we usually say what kind rather than which kind.


Activity 2: Shadowing practice

Listen to these questions and answers. Then say them at the same time and in the same way as your tutor. The words in yellow should be stressed, i.e. pronounced slightly louder, longer and in higher pitch than the other words.

  1. What kind of music do you like?
    I like classical music.
  2. Which band do you like?
    I like the Beatles.
  3. Which singer do you like?
    I like Lady Gaga.
  4. Which song do you like?
    I like Let it go from the Disney movie Frozen.

Work in pairs. One person asks questions. One person answers. Afterwards, change roles.

Activity 3: Role play

Work in pairs.

Follow the instructions in the conversation flowchart below. Select the topics from this list.

  • kind of music, band, singer, song
  • kind of tv programme, channel, tv programme, actor, actress
  • kind of movie, movie, actor, actress
  • kind of food, dish, restaurant
Greet your friend
Ask a question
Answer the question
Continue the conversation
Say goodbye

When you have finished one dialogue. Change roles. Repeat.

Activity 4: Pronunciation focus - Contractions


Let's consider the following question:

Which singer do you like?

Ask and answer these questions:

Five words (which, singer, do, you, like)

Two words (singer, like)

do you

d'ya /ˈdʒə/

Activity 5: Showing interest


It is important to show interest when having a converation. Here is an easy way to show interest.

  1. look at the person who is speaking
  2. nod you head occassionally

Activity 6: Fluency practice

Work in pairs or groups. Have a friendly conversation starting with the question give. Keep talking for one. Show interest in each other.

What kind of food do you like?

Which fast food restaurant do you prefer?

Which day of the week do you like?

Which do you prefer - the city or the country?

Activity 7: Common errors

Work alone or with a partner. Identify and correct the errors below:

What kind of curry do you like (note: Some people say "which kind" but "what kind" is the usual choice. In fact, "what kind" is used 24 times more frequently.

Which game do you like?

What type of CAR d'ya LIKE. (You should stress the content words car and like and not the grammatical words. The words do you should be pronounced like d'ya in connected speech.

Which singer do you like?

Ask your tutor to explain any errors you are unsure about.


Can you:

  1. explain the difference between what and which?
  2. ask questions about movies and music?
  3. pronounce "do you" correctly?

If you can not, make sure that you do before your next class.