
Unit 10 LaTeX

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • realize the power of LaTeX 
  • understand how to structure a tex file
  • understand how to format a bib file 
  • have created a template document for your graduation thesis using the lipsum usepackage
  • have included tables and figures, and referred to them in the text
  • have included citations into your template document 

Activity 1 The power of LaTeX

Listen to the short lecture on LaTex.

[ Video to be added here ]

needs analysis

Activity 2 Guide to tex files

Listen to the short lecture on tex files.

[ Video to be added here ]

needs analysis

Activity 3 Guide to bib files

Listen to the short lecture on bibtex, and how to quickly create bib entries using Google Scholar.

[ Video to be added here ]

needs analysis

Activity 4 General introduction to Latex

Watch this easy-to-follow introduction to LaTeX and Overleaf (18 min 27 sec).

Activity 5 Tables and figures

Watch this guide to learn how to input tables and figures into LaTeX on Overleaf (3 min 19 sec).

Activity 6 Learning by doing


When learning programming, you cannot just read a book or watch a video and know how to use the language. LaTeX is no different. The only way to become proficient is to use LaTeX. Rather than working on exercises, you will work on a template document which will become your graduation thesis. If you get stuck, search for help online or ask your lab mates for help.

ostrich effect

Activity 7 Typesetting instructions


This guide to typesetting written by Professor Julián Alberto Villegas Orozco covers the typical mistakes that students at the University of Aizu make when drafting their graduation thesis. You can find advice on:

  • LaTeX,
  • Ghostscript, and
  • Writing style

Spend ten minutes to read this guide, and you will save yourself many hours of wasted time.

ostrich effect

Knowledge and application

Activity 8 Template document

Use the university formatting guidelines and create a template document for your graduation thesis on your TNT Overleaf account. Make sure your document conforms to the following:

  1. University of Aizu guidelines
  2. Length: six pages
  3. Text: dummy text generated using lipsum package.
  4. Tables: one table with 2 rows and 2 columns. one table with 3 rows and 15 columns. Refer to the tables in the text.
  5. Figures: one high quality but small size image. Refer to the image in the text.
  6. Citations: cite two items using the cite function and a bib file.

Compile the document, save the pdf and submit it to GT channel on Slack.

ostrich effect


Make sure you know how to

  1. format the preamble section in a tex file
  2. format the document section in a tex file
  3. format tables and figures
  4. label items and refer to the labels
  5. insert bib entries in a bib file