
Unit 2 Life spanners

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • be ready to take responsibility
  • have created a set of contigency plans
  • be prepared to accept the worst-case scenario
  • know the importance of a support network
  • understand happiness is determined by you and not your environment

Activity 1 Responsibility


You need to take responsibility for your own choices. Don't ignore problems. Solve them. When life throws a spanner at you (i.e. when a problem occurs), do something about it.

ostrich effect

The ostrich effect is a tendency to ignore important information when we feel overwhelmed, stressed or worried.

Activity 2 Watching

Watch this narrated animation that explains how and why to take responsibility (7 min 24 sec).

Activity 3 Contingency planning


You need to consider future possiblities. Think what might go wrong, and then devise a plan to deal with it. Drawing on the risk assessment literature, you can use a probability-impact matrix to assess which events are worth planning for. Events with high probability and high impact should be planned for first. For example, in January of your fourth year, you need to submit a graduation thesis. You plan to write it over the Christmas and New Year break, but, what happens you catch flu? There is a low probability, but a high impact. This is easily solved by starting to write your graduation thesis earlier.

probability-impact matrix

Probability-impact matrix with high-probability-high-impact areas shaded in orange.

Activity 4 Worst-case scenario


We are lucky because we don't have to worry about being attacked by crocodiles, or bitten by poisonous snakes, or getting robbed while walking to university. but, there are still worst-case scenarios to consider. The university has contigency plans for disasters, so your contigency plans should be at the level of individual. What events could affect you. These may relate to your financial situation, your health, your studies, your friendships and your future plans. Some worries could be what if I cannot get a job, what if I fail the programming course, and what if I cannot wake up in time for class. First, you need to assess the probability of the event, the impact of the event and then create worst-case scenario plans for the events starting with those with higher probability-impact scores.

chased by crocodile

Activity 5 Support network


When a problem occurs, ideally you can solve it yourself. However, sometimes you may lack the time, resources or ability to solve it. This is when a support network can make a difference. A support network comprises the people who you can help and who can help you. For most people this will be your family and your friends. For those with little contact with family and no close real-world friends, the support network may be online. I encourage you to develop a support network within the lab. Ask for help when you need it, and offer help when someone else needs it.

support network

Activity 6 Positive psychology


Positive psychology focuses on positive emotions and personal strengths. By focussing on these, you can be happy each day regardless of your environment. Is it not better to choose to be happy than sad?

choose happiness

Activity 7 Watching

Enjoy the song "Don't worry, be happy" by Bobby McFerrin.

Knowledge and application

Activity 8 Contigency and worst-case scenario planning

Consider the events that might affect you and your studies. Do not consider disasters that affect everyone. Categorize the events, evaluate their impact and probability. State the worst-case scenario. Identify a proactive step to take.

Below is an example of a contigency plan. You only need to focus on the known knowns, as shown in the "risk iceberg".

Category Event Probability Impact Worst-case scenario Proactive step to take
Health Catch cold High Medium Miss deadline for submission Complete assignments early
Finance Lose part-time job Medium High No money for food Find more reliable part-time job
Study Struggle in machine learning (ML) course High High Fail course Read set texts and study maths for ML before taking course
Life Play online games too much High high Drop out of university Plays games at weekends only

There is no need to submit your contigency plan, but be prepared to discuss the creation process and content.

risk iceberg


Make sure you know the meaning of the following terms:

  1. responsibility
  2. contigency
  3. worst-case scenario
  4. support network
  5. postive psychology

Make sure you have assessed the quality of your:

  1. contigency plans for life, study, research and work
  2. support network
  3. attitude

"The key is taking responsibility and initiative, deciding what your life is about and prioritizing your life around the most important things." - Stephen Covey

Copyright John Blake, 2020