
Unit 5 Procrastination

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • understand the common causes of procrastination
  • know how to overcome the tendency to procrastinate
  • have assessed your ability to "do work now" rather than "do it later"
  • have created a Gantt chart for your research project

Activity 1 Self assessment

Answer the following questions.

  1. Do you sometimes miss deadlines?
  2. Do you do your homework just before the due date?
  3. Do you do your homework on the day it is set?
  4. Do you find it difficult to start work on difficult tasks?
  5. Do you do easy but not important tasks before the important tasks?
  6. Are you doing this Unit on the day it was set?
  7. Why (not)?

If you delay tasks until later, and then rush to finish them before the deadline, you are not alone. This is a common strategy. If you delay tasks and then fail to finish them before the deadline, this is also common; but it unlikely to lead to success. This unit is designed to help you understand why people delay doing important jobs. The aim, of course, is to help you take action and complete your tasks on schedule.

Activity 2 Temporal discounting


Temporal discounting is the preference to receive a small reward soon rather than a larger reward later. Would you prefer to eat some cake now, or have a six-pack abs in the future? Would you prefer to check your Facebook or Instragram for five minutes now, or check them for longer tomorrow? For most people, the further away a reward is, the less likely it is chosen. Our brains resolve that it is better to get a small reward now than a larger reward later.

At the University of Aizu, many students choose to focus on playing online games and enjoying life now, but the downside is that some will never graduate and will not get the reward of a degree, better job and better future. Make sure you make good choices about which rewards are important and how you allocate time.

Activity 3 Dopamine

Watch this video clip to understand how dopamine affects behaviour (7 min 35 sec).


Temporal discounting is the preference to receive a small reward soon rather than a larger reward later. Would you prefer to eat some cake now, or have a six-pack abs in the future? Would you prefer to check your Facebook or Instragram for five minutes now, or check them for longer tomorrow? For most people, the further away a reward is, the less likely it is chosen. Our brains resolve that it is better to get a small reward now than a larger reward later.

Activity 4 Pomodoro technique  

Try the Pomodoro technique with a virtual study buddy (2 hours comprising 4 cycles of 25 min study, 5 min rest).


One way to harness the effect of dopamine, is to us the Pomodoro technique. In short, you allocate a fixed period of time to work, e.g. 25 minutes and then as a reward for completing this, you reward yourself with a shorter period of "fun" time, e.g. 5 minutes. A typical example would be to study for 25 minutes and then spend 5 minutes checking SNS. This technique only works when you use a timer and you stick to the times.

Activity 5 Deadlines and Gantt charts


There are two types of deadlines: External or immovable deadlines, and internal flexible deadlines. For larger projects, it is often necessary to breakdown the task into small sections. For each section, setting yourself a deadline can increase the chance of completing the project on time. A Gantt chart makes it easy to see which tasks need to be completed and shows the sequence of tasks. Gantt charts help you identify potential bottlenecks or problems in the sequencing of tasks.

Watch this video to understand more about Gantt charts (3 min 27 sec).

Activity 6 Motivate yourself


Everyone is different, so you need to select the best combination of choices for yourself. Some things (motivators) positively affect motivation and some things (demotivators) negatively affect motivation 'motivators'. List the things that distract you for your work and study. How can you overcome these? List the things that motivate you. Can you use them next time your work or study?

This is an example list of suggestions:

  1. List tasks to complete today.
  2. Do any tasks that take less than 5 minutes immediately.
  3. Estimate the total time needed for each task.
  4. Assign tasks to a timebox, e.g. 2-hour morning study or 2-hour evening study.
  5. Use Pomodoro technique for each timebox.
  6. Turn off all notifications - email, phone, sns.
ostrich effect

The ostrich effect is a tendency to ignore important information when we feel overwhelmed, stressed or worried.

Knowledge and application

Activity 7 Graduation thesis Gantt chart

Create a Gantt chart for your graduation thesis, and submit the image file through Slack.

Below is an example of a Gantt chart.


Source: Wikipedia Commons


Make sure you know the meaning of the following terms:

  1. procrastination
  2. dopamine
  3. motivator
  4. demotivator
  5. Gantt chart