Master's Thesis Template Guide
1 Logical Style
A master's thesis consists of four sections; "preface," "abstract," "body text," and "reference."
- 1.Preface
- The preface section consists of the following seven sub-sections. Sub-sections 1, 2 and 4 are mandatory.
1 Title Page
2 Approval Page
3 Dedication Page
4 Table of Contents
5 List of Figures/Tables/Symbols
6 Preface
7 Acknowledgments
- 2. Abstract
- 300-400 words, 1 page.
- 3. Body Text
- English sentences in chapters. Use footnotes for annotations.
- 4. Reference
- The reference section consists of the following three sub-sections. Sub-section 1 is mandatory.
1 Reference
2 Appendices
3 Addenda
2 Physical Style
- 1. Page Size
- A4
- 2. Margins
- Top: 1 inch, left: 1.5 inches (for binding), right: 1 inch, bottom: 1 inch
- 3. Pagination
- Page numbers should be entered at the bottom-center of the page.
Each item in the preface section must start from the beginning of a page.
For page numbers, use lowercase Roman numerals. The title page is "i" and the approval page is "ii." However, DO NOT enter page numbers on these two pages and start from page number "iii," "iv," "v," "vi"...
DO NOT enter a page number on the abstract page, either.
Enter page numbers for the body text and reference section in a row with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3...).
- 4. Spacing
- For proofreading, double space the body text and single space the remaining parts. As for the final version, follow the same format.
When you pass the final thesis review and are authorized to receive a master's degree, reformat the entire thesis to single-space and resubmit it for archiving.
- 5. Printing, Signature and Archiving
- For the theses, print on both sides of paper.
One original copy of the theses with referees' signatures (or names and seals) on the approval page shall be submitted to Student Affairs Division. The electronic version shall be archived to the Library.