Master's Thesis Review Procedure (AY2024 Autumn)

1. Submission of the theme for master's thesis

  • Students should submit written reports of the themes for master's thesis to the Dean of the Graduate School after getting the approval of their research advisor or sub research advisor who actually guides the student's research work.
  • Submission period ――― by Monday, April 15, 2024
  • To whom to submit ――― the Student Affairs Division
  • Report on the Decision on the Theme for Master's Thesis PDF / Word

2. Permission to submit the thesis

  • Students should get the approval of the Research Advisor, and the Research Advisor shall submit the document on his/her approval to the Dean of the Graduate School.
  • Submission period ――― by Monday, June 17, 2024
  • To whom to submit ――― the Student Affairs Division
  • Report on the Permission to Submit the Master's Thesis PDF / Word

3. Referees

1. Referees
  • Three members ――― one chief referee, two co-referees
  • Faculty members in charge of the University of Aizu Graduate School including the Research Advisor
  • The chief referee must be Doctoral "MARUGO" or "GO" within the graduate department.
2. Recommendation of referees
  • The Research Advisor shall recommend two referees.
  • The recommendation should be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School by the Permission period in item 2 above.
  • Letter of Recommendation of the Referees PDF / Word
*Students shall be informed who are the referees by the Direct Research Advisor.

4. Review of the thesis

1. Students must submit the thesis drafts to the referees for review after getting the approval of the Research Advisor.
  • Submission period ――― by Monday, June 17, 2024
  • How to submit ――― Follow the instruction of referees
2. The referees shall carefully examine the thesis draft, and comment, if there is any, to the student by Monday, July 1, 2024.

5. Submission of the thesis

1. Students must complete and submit their final drafts of theses by Friday, July 12, 2024.
  • One electronic data to the Student Affairs Division ――― Copy the final drafts of theses in PDF format to the designated directory.
  • One copy each to the referees ――― Follow the instruction of referees whether printed or electronic data.
2. The Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee shall check the thesis standards, etc. and arrange the presentation.

6. Thesis presentation

1. The chief referee and the co-referees must attend the presentation.
2. Presentation ――― Presentations are part of the Master's Thesis Review Procedure. All students, faculties and staff members can freely participate.
3. Period of the presentation ――― Wednesday, August 7, 2024
4. The detailed schedule shall be determined by the Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee.
  • Time allotted to each student: 30 minutes including the following procedure
  • Presentation by the student: 15 minutes
  • Discussion on the thesis: 15 minutes
  • Examination by the referees
5. Timetable

7. Judgment of the results of the review

1. Each referee shall have 100 points in assessment. The students receiving 150 points or more shall successfully pass in the review.
2. The chief referee, with a consultation with the co-referees, must submit Master's Thesis Evaluation Form and Report on the Master's Thesis Review to the Dean of the Graduate School by Tuesday, August 13, 2024.
  • Report on the Master's Thesis Review PDF / Word
3. Deliberation by the Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee.
4. Deliberation and determination by the Graduate School Faculty Assembly. Degree conferment shall be deliberated at the same time.

8. Submission of the final thesis

  • Students must submit one original copy of their final theses, which successfully passed the review, with the three referees' signatures to the Student Affairs Division by Wednesday, August 14, 2024.
  • Submission of an electronic version of the file ――― copy the electronic file of the final manuscript in PDF format to the designated directory. The approval page, signed or sealed by the three referees, must be included.
  • The original file shall be kept at the University Library. Students should submit "Consent to Use of Academic Degree Thesis" PDF / Word / Example

9. Thesis standards

10. Application for the degree

1. Submission of an application form for awarding a degree
Those who wish to be awarded a degree shall submit an application form to the President for obtaining the degree at the same time as the submission of the final thesis (by Wednesday, August 14, 2024).
  • Application Form for the Academic Degree PDF / Word (Department of CIS)
2. Deliberation on awarding the degree

Master's Thesis Review Procedure (AY2024 Spring)

1. Submission of the theme for master's thesis

  • Students should submit written reports of the themes for master's thesis to the Dean of the Graduate School after getting the approval of their research advisor or sub research advisor who actually guides the student's research work.
  • Submission period ――― by Tuesay, October 15, 2024
  • To whom to submit ――― the Student Affairs Division
  • Report on the Decision on the Theme for Master's Thesis PDF / Word

2. Permission to submit the thesis

  • Students should get the approval of the Research Advisor, and the Research Advisor shall submit the document on his/her approval to the Dean of the Graduate School.
  • Submission period ――― by Monday, December 2, 2024
  • To whom to submit ――― the Student Affairs Division
  • Report on the Permission to Submit the Master's Thesis PDF / Word

3. Referees

1. Referees
  • Three members ――― one chief referee, two co-referees
  • Faculty members in charge of the University of Aizu Graduate School including the Research Advisor
  • The chief referee must be Doctoral "MARUGO" or "GO" within the graduate department.
2. Recommendation of referees
  • The Research Advisor shall recommend two referees.
  • The recommendation should be submitted to the Dean of the Graduate School by the Permission period in item 2 above.
  • Letter of Recommendation of the Referees PDF / Word
*Students shall be informed who are the referees by the Direct Research Advisor.

4. Review of the thesis

1. Students must submit the thesis drafts to the referees for review after getting the approval of the Research Advisor.
  • Submission period ――― by Monday, December 2, 2024
  • How to submit ――― Follow the instruction of referees
2. The referees shall carefully examine the thesis draft, and comment, if there is any, to the student by Tuesday, January 7, 2025.

5. Submission of the thesis

1. Students must complete and submit their final drafts of theses by Friday, January 24, 2025.
  • One electronic data to the Student Affairs Division ――― Copy the final drafts of theses in PDF format to the designated directory.
  • One copy each to the referees ――― Follow the instruction of referees whether printed or electronic data.
2. The Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee shall check the thesis standards, etc. and arrange the presentation.

6. Thesis presentation

1. The chief referee and the co-referees must attend the presentation.
2. Presentation ――― Presentations are part of the Master's Thesis Review Procedure. All students, faculties and staff members can freely participate.
3. Period of the presentation ――― Friday, February 14, 2025
4. The detailed schedule shall be determined by the Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee.
  • Time allotted to each student: 30 minutes including the following procedure
  • Presentation by the student: 15 minutes
  • Discussion on the thesis: 15 minutes
  • Examination by the referees
5. Timetable   Titles

7. Judgment of the results of the review

1. Each referee shall have 100 points in assessment. The students receiving 150 points or more shall successfully pass in the review.
2. The chief referee, with a consultation with the co-referees, must submit a report on the results of the review to the Dean of the Graduate School by Wednesday, February 19, 2025.
  • Report on the Master's Thesis Review PDF / Word
3. Deliberation by the Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee.
4. Deliberation and determination by the Graduate School Faculty Assembly. The accreditation of the degree shall be deliberated at the same time.

8. Submission of the final thesis

  • Students should submit the approval page of their final theses, which successfully passed the review, with the three referees' signatures to the Student Affairs Division by Thursday, February 20, 2025.
  • Submission of an electronic version of the file ――― copy the electronic file of the final manuscript in PDF format to the designated directory. The approval page must be signed or sealed by the three referees.
  • The original file shall be kept at the University Library. Students should submit "Consent to Use of Academic Degree Thesis" PDF / Word / Example

9. Thesis standards

10. Accreditation of the degree

1. Submission of an application form for awarding a degree
Those who wish to be awarded a degree shall submit an application form to the President for obtaining the degree at the same time as the submission of the final thesis (by Thursday, February 20, 2025).
  • Application Form for the Academic Degree PDF / Word (Department of CIS)
2. Deliberation on awarding the degree
  • the Graduate School Academic Affairs Committee
  • the Graduate School Faculty Assembly