Change of status of residence

To change your status of residence, you must apply in person at the Koriyama Branch Office of the Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau after receiving the application documents prepared by the university with the university's seal (the "For organization" forms/sections).

To receive have these forms/sections filled out, you must first submit the required documents to the university.


STEP 1 Prepare the necessary documents for application

STEP 2 Submit the documents to the International Affairs Section for confirmation, and receive the documents prepared by the UoA.

STEP 3 Apply at the Koriyama Branch Office of the Sendai Regional Immigration Bureau.

STEP 4 Undergo review by the Immigration Services Agency

         It takes about two weeks to two months to receive the results of the examination.

         You may be asked to submit additional documents by the immigration office.

         Please submit them as soon as you are contacted.

         If you are requested to submit additional documents issued by the university, please contact us as soon as possible.

STEP 5 You will receive a postcard from the Immigration Services Agency indicating that the results of the examination are now available.

STEP 6 Go to the immigration office to receive the screening results. A fee payment form is required to receive your residence card.

         The postcard must be submitted with revenue stamps in the amount shown on the postcard.

          (Revenue stamps can be purchased at the University of Aizu kiosk or on the second floor of the Koriyama immigration office.

         *If your change of status of residence is not approved, please contact the International Affairs Section.

STEP 7 Submit your status of residence information to the International Affairs Section within 14 days of receiving your residence card.

▼ How to Submit Residency Information

Please submit the information on the new residence card received in STEP 6 to the International Affairs Section, Student Affairs Division, the University of Aizu (


If you do not submit your status of residence information to the university after changing your status of residence, or if you do not respond to phone calls or emails from the university, we will report you as a "missing person" to the Immigration Services Agency.

Required documents for change of status of residence

Please email the following required documents (1) to (7) to the International Affairs Section ( , pick up the "For organization" forms/sections filled out by the university pdf xlsx , and then go to the Koriyama immigration office with documents (1) to (7) to apply.

  • A soft copy of these documents should be attached to the e-mail in PDF format and submitted with the application form file.
  • The title of the email should be "Change of status of residence: [Student ID Number] [Name]". Put your student ID number and name within the corresponding brackets.
  • Please include your postal code, address, and telephone number in the body of the email.
  • Please check your e-mail regularly, as we will contact you if any of your documents are incorrect or incomplete.
  • Once we receive your email, it will take about one week to fill out and send you the "For organization" forms/sections. Please note that it will take longer if there are issues with your documents.


If you do not have all the required documents, we will not be able to fill out the "For organization" forms/sections. If you apply without these forms/sections and request us to fill them out at a later date, you will be required to prepare all the necessary documents again.

Depending on the situation, you may be required to submit additional documentation to the immigration office.

①Application for Change of Status of Residence pdf xlsx

1-3 for applicants, etc. [Affix a photograph (30㎜×40) taken within the last 6 months].

Example of how to fill out the application form

*The name and seal or signature of the applicant must be affixed in the space provided.

*Double-sided printing is not accepted.

*Submit the five pages to the immigration office, including "For organization" forms 1 and 2 filled out by the university.

Passport, residence card, student ID (address must be the same as the address on the residence card)

*You only need to show these at the immigration office (They may make copies).

Certificate of Enrollment

*Pre-enrollment students must attach a "Letter of Admission" (A Notice of Acceptance is not acceptable.)

*Must be within three months from the date of issue.

*UoA certificates of enrollment can be printed from the certificate issuing machine.

④Academic Transcripts

*You must submit transcripts from all schools attended in Japan during your current period of stay. If you have graduated (or expect to graduate) from a school during your period of stay, you must also submit a certificate of graduation or certificate of expected graduation. If you have not been issued a certificate of graduation, you must submit a certificate of period of enrollment or other equivalent certificate instead.

*Must be within three months from the date of issue.

*UoA certificates of enrollment can be printed from the certificate issuing machine.

⑤ Certificate of details of study/research for non-regular students

Non-degree Students and Special Audit Students

If you are enrolling as a non-degree student or a special audit student, or you were a non-degree student or a special audit student during your current period of stay, you will need to submit proof of course registration (documents confirming that you have enrolled in at least 10 hours of classes per week).

Research Students

If you are enrolling as a research student, or you were a research student during your current period of stay, you will need to submit proof of the content of your research (documents showing information on the research institution, research theme, academic advisor, etc.).

⑥Statement of Financial Support (For university confirmation only. You do not need to submit this to the immigration office.) pdf docx

*Please enter the cost of your stay (school and living expenses) broken down by the method of payment, based on your passbook records, scholarship certificates, etc., for approximately the past year (However, if you will be receiving a new scholarship, provide your expected information after the change.) The information in this document should be consistent with section "22. Method of support for expenses while in Japan" on the extension of period of stay application form.

⑦Documentation supporting the Statement of Financial Support

*The following documents must be submitted to the immigration office as the basis for the content of your Statement of Financial Support.(This only needs to be submitted to the immigration office. You do not need to submit it to the university.)

・Copies of your passbook/internet banking statements

You most provide bank records from the past year showing that you have received payments sufficient to cover your living and school expenses. If it is divided into several bank books, take copies of all of them. The portion showing the name of the bank and the name of the account holder is required for identification purposes. If there is a combined or total bookkeeping portion, ask the bank to issue the details.

・Certificate of Scholarship (if you are a scholarship recipient)

*Recipients of in-house scholarship must prepare copies of the Scholarship Acceptance Letter and their bankbook/internet banking statements showing monthly deposits matching the amount shown on their scholarship acceptance letter.

*If you are unable to submit copies of your bankbook or internet banking statements, you may be asked to submit a statement showing the balance of your financial support's bank account, proof of cash remittance, a statement of reasons, etc.

*The above is just an example. There is a possibility that the immigration office will require other documents. In such cases, please follow the instructions of the immigration office.

*Please attach Japanese or English translations of documents prepared in foreign languages other than English. Self-translated documents are acceptable.

*Students who work part-time off-campus must submit a wage ledger (chingin daicho) or other documentation showing the number of days and hours worked and wages paid. (All periods of time from the start of the part-time job to the present)

<Reference> Immigration Services Agency Website (Multilingual)