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Purpose CPU computation GPU computation Storage and Backup
CPU AMD EPYC 64 cores AMD EPYC 64 cores AMD RX-421ND 2 cores
Titan RTX and A6000

7-day Tutorial on Linux

Day 1: Manipulate Terminal with CD Commands.
Day 2: Basic Linux Commands with Examples, Process management SCP , and Nohup (important command)
Day 3: File Permissions in Linux
Day 4: Input Output Redirection in Linux
Day 5: VI Editor tutorial (important)
Day 6: Pipe, Grep and Sort Command in Linux
Day 7: Task: Create a directory named "dummy," create an empty file in this directory, open that file using an editor, write the text, save the file, exit from the editor. Delete the file, and then the directory.

14-day Tutorial on PostGres Database

Day 1: Connecting to PostGres and Commands.
Day 2: SELECT DATA FROM A TABLE (practise by searching in the W3schools/internet).
Day 3: SELECT DATA FROM MULTIPLE TABLES Using Joins (practise by searching in the W3schools/internet).
Day 4: SELECT with Min, MAX, AVG, DISTANT, GROUP BY, ORDER BY, and ARRAY_AGG() (practise by searching in the W3schools/internet).
Day 5: Create Tables with primary key, foreign key, and other constraints. Creating Geography Tables.
Day 6: Alter table (add/delete columns, add/delete constraints)
Day 7: Insert into table
Day 8: Update
Day 9: Delete data in a table. Drop table.
Day 10: Connecting to PostGres with Python Drop table.
Day 11: Reading data from PostGres tables with Python
Day 12: Storing data into PostGres tables with Python
Day 13: Reading table data into dataframe
Day 14: Storing CSV file into the table

7-day Tutorial on Github, Markdown, Pycharm, and PAMI Library

Day 1: Github
Day 2: Markdown
Day 3: Pycharm User interface, Creating and executing projects, and Cloning, Updating, and Commiting Github repositories (important).
Day 4: PAMI (Chapters 1 to 3)
Day 5:PAMI (Chapters 4 and 5)
Day 6:PAMI (Chapters 6 and 7)
Day 7:Task: Create a Github public repository, clone the repository using Pycharm, install the PAMI repository using PIP, execute FP-growth algorithm, and push your algorithm into Github from Pycharm.


Sustainable Ambient Computing Lab

PAMI A Python library to discovery interesting patterns hidden in different types of big data.
Air pollution analytics This is a python library containing programs to store, process, and extract useful information from Japan's SORAMAME website.



Data Science for Planetory Systems (DS4PS)

rasterMiner An open-source Python package to discover useful information in satellite imagery (or raster) data.
qGIS plugins This library currently contains three QGIS plugins for imputation, image fusion, and top-k similar pixel recommender system.


to be written.

to be written.

Disclaimer: This document provides brief information on the undergraduate admission procedures followed at the University of Aizu. Please visit the offical university web page for detailed information.

1. Application process

The dates for the application process at the University of Aizu vary annually. The application procedure for the academic year 2023 starts on December 19, 2022.

Pre-Application Review December 19 (Mon.), 2022, 5:00 PM (JST)
Application Period From January 16 (Mon.) to February 17 (Fri.), 2023, 5:00 PM (JST)
Announcement of results April 14 (Fri.), 2023, Around 11:00 AM (JST)
Admission Procedures May 19 (Fri.), 2023, 5:00 PM (JST)
Enrollment Date October 1 (Sun.), 2023 (JST)


2. Application Eligibility

The following individuals are eligible:
(i) Individuals who have completed a 12-year school education curriculum outside of Japan, or those expected to complete said curriculum by September 30, YYYY.
(ii) The university accepts Indian Board (CBSE and state board) results. In addition, candidates must have cleared one of the English proficiency tests (see below)

3. Application Requirements

(i) Candidate must get a certificate from their school/college that the medium of instruction is English. (ii) If the candidate's medium of instruction is not English, then he/she must submit the proof of any one of the following English proficiency tests: TOEFL (iBT), TOEIC, EIKEN, and IELTS. The university’s Designated Institution Code for TOEFL-iBT is C624.

We advice the candidates to write the English Proficiency test for safety (or merit scholarship) though their medium of instruction is English.

4. Selection Process

Candidates are selected based on their application documents. If there are any questions about your application eligibility, the university will contact you via phone/e-mail, or conduct an online interview.

5. Application Procedure

1) Application documents must be sent by post (candidates living in Japan must send them by express mail and those living overseas must send them by air mail). The documents in question can be photocopies duly verified by your educational institution. Additionally, submit the application documents as PDF files via e-mail to the address: sgu-admission@u-aizu.ac.jp
2) Be cautious while preparing the application form.

6. Announcement of Successful Applicants

The examinee numbers of successful applicants will be posted on the bulletin board in front of the Research Quadrangles at the University of Aizu, and on the University website for reference. https://u-aizu.ac.jp/en/admissions/undergraduate/result/ .
Successful applicants will receive a notification of successful results in writing and by email.

7. Scholarship Information

International students can apply for the MEXT scholarship which is of two types:
(i) Embassy recommended - the candidate may visit the website of the Embassy of Japan to learn more about the application process and selection criteria https://www.in.emb-japan.go.jp/Education/japanese_government_scholarships.html.
(ii) University recommended - eligible candidates selected and admitted to the program will be contacted by the university officials for the application. The process includes filling up an application, submitting academic details, and a statement of purpose/project proposal. Short-listed candidates will be called for an interview for further screening, and a select few will be recommended to the MEXT for a scholarship.

[Click here] to check the scholarship information for the international students at the university website.