
Unit 6 Writing completely

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • know to provide all necessary details
  • include information directly in the message where possible
  • doublecheck that all the necessary details are present

Activity 1: Importance of completeness

Decide how each of the following messages could be improved.

  1. Message 1: Call me to confirm the time.
  2. Message 2: I reserved Meeting Room 123 on Thursday.
  3. Message 3: I have attached the relevant files.
  4. Message 4: Please come to my office at 1:00 pm.

Compare your ideas with the comments below.

Message 1: does not provide the necessary contact details.

Message 2: includes the place and day, but not the time.

Message 3: notes that some files are attached, but we do not know how many or which files. An improved version could be: I attach two files (draft contract and price list).

Message 4: assumes that the reader knows the location of the office. Including the room number and/or directions makes it easier for the reader.

Activity 2: Essential details

You want to invite fellow students to watch a performance by the student acting club

Work alone for 3 minutes. Decide which details you need to include in a message.

Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss your ideas.

Activity 3: Specificity


Time, date, location, price and dress code are key details that ought to be gien in invitations to events. Inviting a friend to come to a party without informing them that there need to pay money will result in a problem. Likewise, inviting a friend to a Halloween party, but forgetting to tell them that it is fancy dress may upset them. When communicating face-to-face, it is possible to get immediate clarification and add extra details based on the reaction of the other person. When writing emails, communication is less interactive and often asynchronous, this puts the emphasis on the writer to include all the specific detailts to avoid the need for the reader to write follow-up emails.


Remember to include enough details so that the reader does not need to ask follow-up questions