
Unit 5: Problem breakdown

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should have:

  • formed teams (or alliances if working alone)
  • broken down the problem scenario
  • conducted a requirements analysis
  • identified metrics to evaluate expert system
  • brainstormed possible solutions

Activity 1: Vocabulary review

Work in pairs. One of you is the tester and one of your is the testee. The testee looks at Unit 4. The tester refers to Unit 10 and asks your partner - the testee - to define 10 words. Then change roles.

Activity 2: Scenario

Listen to your tutor explain this slideshow.

Activity 3: Your work to be added here

This space is reserved for student analyses of the problem.


Can you:

  1. do this
  2. do that
  3. and do something else.

If you do not, make sure that you do before your next class.

Running count: 38 of 38 concepts covered so far.