川口 立喜


Senior Associate Professor, Director of Office for Strategy of International Programs, Center for Planning and Promotion

Center for Planning and Promotion
Senior Associate Professor, Director of Office for Strategy of International Programs, Center for Planning and Promotion
Web site


Courses - Undergraduate
・OT03-011: Intercultural Leadership Training
- Understanding International Experiences for Engineering Students (1st and 2nd Quaters),
 - Understanding Local Innovation for Engineering Students (3rd and 4th Quaters)
・SE5: Software Studio (1st and 2nd Quaters)
・L12: Creative Studio (2nd Quater Intensive)
・EG101・102: Global Experience Gateway (4th Quater Intensive)
・H19: Culture and History of Aizu (4th Quater)
Courses - Graduate


Web informatics and service informatics
International Strategy for Higher Education
Student Mobility and Student Services with Local Communities
- Enrollment Management
- Student Advising
- Study Abroad Program Development
Intercultural Understanding and Communication (w/ Software and Creativity Development)
Development of the Local Revitalization Algorism
Educational Background, Biography
Completed the graduate program in Teaching English as Speaker of Other Language (TESOL) at Portland State University (PSU), Oregon USA, and had some experiences with supporting the international students while there in the International Special Programs at PSU.

- January, 2009: Research Associate, Center for Strategy of International Programs at Univ. of Aizu
- April, 2013: Associate Professor, Center for Strategy of International Programs at Univ. of Aizu
- April, 2015: Associate Professor and Director of Office for Strategy of International Programs, Center for Globalization at Univ. of Aizu
- October, 2021: Senior Associate Professor and Director of Office for Strategy of International Programs, Center for Globalization at Univ. of Aizu
- April, 2024: Senior Associate Professor and Director of Office for Strategy of International Programs, Center for Planning and Promotion at Univ. of Aizu
Current Research Theme
International Strategy for Higher Education
Student Mobility and Student Service and Support
(Enrollment Management, etc)
Intercultural Understanding and Communication (w/ Software and Creativity Development)
Development of the Local Revitalization Algorism
Key Topic
Enrollment Management
Intercultural Understanding and Communication (w/ Software and Creativity Development)
Local Revitalization and Innovation
Project-Based Learning (PBL)
e-Learning, Language Assessment
CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning)
Affiliated Academic Society
Japanese Association of Higher Education Research
Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development


Challenge New Things Whatever I Encountered Wherever I Need To Be. / Cooking / Travel
School days' Dream
Astronaut (I want to go to the space), Pilot (want to freely fly in the sky), works for United Nation or International Supporting Agency, and Elementally School Teacher- I still believe that my dream will come true with my life.
Current Dream
I will visit all the area and countries in the world, and show my gratitude who have supported me in my life.
初志貫徹 (Carrying out one's original Intention) / No Pain, No Gain / You may take a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink
Favorite Books
"What I Wish I Knew When I Was 20" by Tina Seelig (2010)
Messages for Students
It's up to you whether things go well with you or not. Let's work hard together to encounter the difficulty with joy, anger, sadness, and humor.
Publications other than one's areas of specialization
Please visit the Office for Strategy of International Programs (OSIP)

UoA Relay Essay No. 95 (June 31, 2016) Proactive Efforts to Support Globalization on Campus

UoA Relay Essay No. 38 (October 9, 2011) Education for Intercultural Understanding and Local Innovation

Main research

Smart Museum

Role: Improve visitor experience at the Fukushima Museum
Target: Visitor support and exhibition design
Value: Improve visitor learning and knowledge acquisition
Currently, it is difficult to obtain objective data on visitor’s behavior in viewing the exhibits that is necessary for evaluation/improvement.
Also, it is currently difficult to understand the visitor’s learning experience so as to provide necessary support.
To improve the situation, it is desired to be able to objectively grasp visitor’s behavior within the exhibit hall.
Furthermore, it is required to collect visitor’s learning experience without hindering their experiences.
Therefore, a system that objectively measures visitor behavior and supports curators for analysis and interpretation will be developed.
Visitor’s satisfaction in terms of learning improves.
(1)Realize objective thorough measurement of visitor behavior.
(2)Develop devices/applications for visitors that encourages/induces appreciation of exhibits.
(3)Develop advanced computational methods to analyze and visualize visitor behavior.
(4)Develop a system for curators that encourages analyzing and interpreting the measured/computed visitor behavior.
(5)Develop a system to assist curators in designing exhibitions based on the analysis and interpretation.


Dissertation and Published Works

Selected proceedings and publications:

Kawaguchi, T., Case Studies of the Sustainable Development in Cooperate with International Activities and Regional Innovation, Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development 14th Annual Conference, Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, December 21, 2016

Danielewicz-Betz, A. and Kawaguchi, T. (June 2015). "Gaining hands on experience via collaborative learning: interactive Computer Science Courses". International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), Vol. 10, No.3, pp. 24-40, ISSN: 1863-0383.

Danielewicz-Betz, A. and Kawaguchi, T.(2014)"Preparing Engineering Students for Global Workplace Communication: Changing the Japanese Mindsets". International Journal of Engineering Pedagogy (iJEP), Vol. 4, No.1, pp. 55-68

Kawaguchi, T. "Preparing Engineering Students for Successful Studies Abroad Orientation". Presented at the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) 2014 Conference and Exhibition, AT Center, Seoul, South Korea, March 19, 2014.

Kawaguchi, T., Student Leadership Training Through the Local
Revitalization PBL Projects-Case Study of Nakagoya Community in Minami-Aizu ? Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development 11th Annual Conference, Sanno University, Meguro, Tokyo, December 15, 2013

Kawaguchi, T., Support for International Student After the 311 Tohoku Earthquakes ? A Case Study of University of Aizu - , Ryugaku Koryu Web Magazine, Japan Student Service Organization , vol. 12, pp. 1-5, March, 2012

Kawaguchi, T. and McMichael, W. "Promoting Study Abroad in Japan: A Post 3/11 Disaster Perspectives". Presented at the NAFSA 2013 Annual Conference & Expo, American's Center, St. Louse, USA, May 29, 2013.

Kawaguchi, T, Promoting the Best International Exchange Activities, and Supporting the International Students ? A Case Study of the University of Aizu, Ryugau Koryu, 22 (9), 6-9, 2010