Jungpil Shin, PhD
- Professor
Division of Information Systems, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu - Supervisor
Pattern Processing Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Aizu - Office: Room # 302-A, 3F, Research quadrangles, University of Aizu, AizuWakamatsu, Fukushima- 956-8580, Japan
- E-Mail: jpshin (at) u-aizu.ac.jp
- Phone: +81-242-37-2704
- Personal Home Page: http://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/~jpshin/
Graduate and Undergraduate Research Positions Available
Please contact with Prof. Jungpil Shin either by email or phone.
Dr. Jungpil Shin is a professor of School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of AIZU and Supervisor of Pattern Processing Lab, The University of AIZU. He is serving to the University of AIZU as an academician since 1999.
His current research interests are pattern recognition, HCI (Human Computer Interaction), image processing, computer vision, and medical diagnosis. He is currently doing research on developing algorithms and systems for Non-Touch input interfaces to recognize and identify the Human and Gesture, Non-touch character input system based on hand tapping gestures, Gesture based non-touch flick character input system, automatic diagnosis and clinical evaluation of neurological movement disorders disease, lung disease prediction and diagnosis using advanced image processing and machine intelligence techniques.
Past two decades, he has done several researches on Recognition and Identification of human and gesture, Object tracking, Retrievals of information in the area of image processing, HCI and pattern recognition and using different smart devices like Cameras, Kinect sensors, Leap motions. In the field of pen computing hand writing research, he has done several researches including Stroke order and number free Character recognition (Japanese and Korean), Oriental brush implementation (3D virtual brush), Signature verification, Font generation (Handwriting synthesis with one's style, Cursive style and Block style), Laser handwritten character Recognition, 3D character recognition, Writer verification and identification, and Kanji (Chinese characters) learning system.
Dr. Shin has conducted over 20 competitive research projects funded by Japanese Ministry, International Cooperation, and the University of Aizu, and over 3 collaborative research projects with the industry. From his research outcome, he has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles in journals and book chapters, also he has participated more than 120 national and international conferences. There are one post-doc, two Ph.D. theses, and several M.Sc. theses under his supervision related to Pattern Recognition, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Vision disciplines, and movement disorder disease diagnosis. Also, he is a member of the ACM, the IEICE, the IPSJ, the KISS, and the KIPS.
Job Experiences
- Professor (2019 - current): Pattern Processing Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of AIZU, JAPAN
- Senior Associate Professor (2004 - 2019): Pattern Processing Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of AIZU, JAPAN
- Associate Professor (1999 – 2004): Multimedia Systems Lab, School of Computer Science and Engineering, The University of AIZU, JAPAN
- PhD degree (Apr. 1995 - Mar. 1999)
Doctoral Thesis: “Studies on Stroke Correspondence Determination Method for On-line Character Recognition”
Discipline: the Department of Intelligent Systems, Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering Kyushu University, Japan - Research Student (Apr. 1994 - Mar. 1995) Kyushu University, Japan Discipline: Computer Science and Communication Engineering
- Master of Science (Mar. 1990 - Feb. 1994) Pusan National University, Korea Discipline: Computer Science (Awarded a Master's degree. Title of the dissertation: Noised Pattern Recognition by Fuzzy Multilayer Perceptron)
- Bachelor of Science (Mar. 1986 - Feb. 1990) Pusan National University, Korea Discipline: Computer Science and Statistics
Past research Accomplishments
As a part of the goal to do research and development in the area of HCI and computer vision, firstly I do research on handwriting and human gesture for developing novel interface for various applications. In that particular research, I have an experience to use the pen-tablet, touch screen, Kinect sensors, Leap Motion, Myo Armband, and other smart camera system and interfaces. The investigated topics are as follows:
- Pen-based Interactive System
- Signature Verification, Writer Identification, and Signature Evaluation System
- Kanji Learning System
- Handwritten Style Font Synthesis System
- Personalized 3D Oriental Writing Brush Implementation and Brush Style Character Synthesis
- Hand Gesture Recognition on 3D space using Kinect, Leap Motion, and Smart device
- Handwriting Recognition Drawn on Screen with Laser-pointer
- HCI (Human Computer Interaction) and NUI (Natural User Interface): User Recognition, Identification, and Verification using Fingertips Movement
- EMG signal based user authentication system using Myo armband
- Character Input System using Hand Movement
- Non-touch character input system based on hand tapping gestures
- Gesture based non-touch flick character input system
- Character input system based on EMG signal analysis
Current and Future Research Focus
Biomedical research with the help of information technology is becoming popular for finding the abnormality in human body. The invented concepts of HCI is useful tools to collect biomarker, discover patterns, and derive hypotheses for developing diagnosis conclusions. Based upon the above motivation, I am also studying in the area of HCI, Human movement, biological image analysis and abnormality recognition. My current research focus on Biomedical Analysis, Recognition and Understanding using Human Behavior are as follows:
- Automatic recognition and clinical evaluation of neurological movement disorders using handwriting
- Hand gesture interface for automatic diagnosis of movement disorder disease using AI techniques
Editor and Reviewer of International Journal, Reviewer of Research Fund
(This is selected lists.)
- Guest Editor of The Journal Sensors MDPI (ISSN 1424-8220, IF 3.275), Special Issue entitled "Vision and Sensor-Based Sensing in Human Action Recognition", Aug. 2021. https://www.mdpi.com/journal/sensors/special_issues/Human_Action
- Associate Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Application (JDCTA, ISSN: 1975-9339).
- Associate Editors-in-Chief of International Journal of Convergence Information Technology (JCIT, ISSN: 1975-9320)
- Associate Editors-in-Chief of Journal of Next Generation Information Technology (JNIT, ISSN: 2233-9388)
- Editor of International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing (IJEI, ISSN: 2093-5765).
- Editor of International Journal of Robots, Education and Art (IJREA, ISSN: 2233-4572)
- Editor of International Journal of Intelligent Information Processing (IJIIP, ISSN: 2093-1964)
- Editor of KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems (KTCCS, ISSN: 2287-5891)
- Editor of KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering (KTCCS, ISSN: 2287-5905)
- Editor of International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research (IJEMR, ISSN: 2546-1583)
- Editor of Daehan Society of Industrial Management, Korea
- Editor of Engineering Science & Technology (Universal Wiser), Singapore
- Reviewer of JSPS Kakenhi Fund
- Reviewer of NRF (National Research Fund of Korea)
- Reviewer of Multimedia Tools and Application (Springer)
- Reviewer of IEEE Access
- Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics
- Reviewer of IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics