
Unit 1 Texts, lists and words

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • be familiar with the basics in Python
  • have created some simple programs to process natural language
  • have solved some problems requiring natural language processing

Activity 1 Course introduction


This course introduces computer science majors to using Python for natural language processing (NLP) and natural language generation (NLG). All students at the University of Aizu learn C and Java in their first and second year at univesity. Many students also learn C+. This means that concepts such as lists, arrays and loops need no explanation. This course is designed to develop Python programming skills via problem solving.


Activity 2 Introduction to Python

Watch this short introductory video.

This introductory video (6 mins 41 secs) covers the basics in slightly over five minutes. This video is probably too fast for those new to programming, but is suitable for those who already know what operators, lists and loops are.

Activity X The Python way

As you have already studied two programming langauges, namely C and Java, you should be familiar (and I hope proficient)

Name and explain the difference between the following data types.

  1. ["apple","banana","carrot"]
  2. {"apple","banana","carrot"}
  3. ("apple","banana","carrot")
  4. {"food": "banaba","colour": "yellow"}

Put text here


Activity X The Python way

As you have already studied two programming langauges, namely C and Java, you should be familiar (and I hope proficient)

Name the following XXXXX.

  1. print("Hello World")
  2. ("apple","banana","carrot")
  3. {"apple","banana","carrot"}
  4. ["apple","banana","carrot"]
  5. def myfunct
  6. if elif else
  7. while
  8. for
  9. hash table
  10. try except
  11. import
  12. variable
  13. print("Hello World")
  14. print("Hello World")

Put text here


Activity X Heading for video


Put text here

Activity X Heading


Put text here

  1. asdf adf asdf afd
  2. asdf adf asdf afd
  3. asdf adf asdf afd
  4. asdf adf asdf afd

Put text here


Activity X Heading for video


Put text here