
Unit 4 Computer systems

Learning outcomes

By the end of this unit you should:

  • be familiar with the subfields within computer systems
  • have more idea of the content of the subfields of computer architecture, computer networks, computer security, cryptography, databases and data mining.

Introduction to computer systems

Computer science can be subdivided into the following subfields:

  • Concurrent, parallel and distributed computing
  • Computer networks
  • Computer security
  • Cryptography
  • Databases
  • Data mining

Quantum computers

This slide introduces the future of computing: quantum computers.

Computer security and cryptography

There are six slides in this deck that describe computer security features, such as encryption, and two types of cryptography.


Check out this slide that introduces a use case of databases.


Do you know:

  1. which subfield you want to study in more depth?
  2. which professors can supervise that subfield?