Feature Detector

This detector is designed primarily for writers of scientific articles, particularly the fields of information and computer science.

Modality detector

  • Hedges: modal nouns: possibility, likelihood, assumption
  • Hedges: modal adverbs: possibly, probably
  • Hedges: modal verbs: may, could, might
  • Hedges: modal adjectives: possible, probable, likely, unlikely
  • Approximations: about, around, approximately, nearly, roughly (e.g. about 10, nearly three)
  • Boosters: certainly, certainty, it is clear, clearly, definitely, manifestly, undoubtedly, always

Voice detector

  • Regular verbs in passive voice (e.g. is tested, was calculated, has been created, will be presented)
  • Common irregular verbs in passive voice (e.g. is done, was shown, has been left, will be drawn)

Pronoun and possessive adjective detector

  • subject pronouns: I, he, she, we, they, You, He, She, We, They, It
  • object pronouns: me, him, her, us, them
  • subject/object pronouns: you, it,
  • reflexive pronouns: myself, yourself, herself, himself, themselves, ourselves, itself
  • personal adjectives: my, your, his, her, their, our, its, My, Your, His, Her, Their, Our, Its

Article detector

  • indefinite articles: a and an
  • definite article: the

Last updated on 18 March 2018.

(c) John Blake 2018

with thanks to Hiroki Inoue for suggestions to improve JavaScript.

Hilbow, having left the unmarked exam papers for his class in a taxi, makes a class announcement: "You all did really badly on that last exam, so I am giving you another chance. Don`t tell anyone about it otherwise I am toast." And with that twist of the truth, Hilbow not only gets away with losing the papers but his students are delighted to get a second chance!