SOPC Builder Tutorial (Japanese version)

  1. Download file, named ex2_top1.v
  2. Launch Quartus II”„
  3. Select "File"->"New Project Wizard...", and create new project.
  4. Select "Tools"->"SOPC Builder...", and launch SOPC Builder.
  5. System Name is ex2_cpu1
  6. Select "Nios II Processor".
  7. Select "Memories and Memory Controllers"->"On-Chip"->"On-Chip Memory (RAM or ROM)".
  8. Select "Peripherals"->"Microcontroller Peripherals"->"PIO (Parallel I/O)".
  9. Select "Interface Protocols"->"Serial"->"JTAG UART".
  10. Select added "Nios II Processor", and click "Edit...".
  11. Select "System"->"Auto-Assign Base Addresses" from menu bar.
  12. Select "System"->"Auto-Assign IRQs" from menu bar.
  13. Click "Generate". "Info: System generation was successful." will be shown.
  14. Download file, DE2_pin_assignments.cvs, and copy it to your workspace.
  15. Return to Quartus II, and select "Assignments"->"Import Assignments..." from menu bar.
  16. Select "Processing"->"Start Compilation"
  17. Launch NIOS II 7.2 IDE
  18. Select "File"->"Project", and crate new project.
  19. Click right click over Project, and select "New"->"Source File", the file name is program1.c.
  20. Click Project with right click and select "System Library Properties".
  21. Click project with right click and select "Run As"->"Nios II Instruction Set Simulator".
  22. "Welcome to the Embedded Systems Exercise 2!" means the program works well.
  23. As a practice, using function of "alt_putstr", add your program which shows your name and ID.