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Center for Language Research

Accented view of Mt. Bandai


Center for Language Research
University of Aizu
Tsuruga, Ikki-machi
965-8580 Japan

Address in Japanese:
₸965-8580 福島県会津若松市一箕町鶴賀

CLR Director: Ian Wilson
Email: wilsonaddress
Tel: +81 242-37-2593

Name Email* On-Campus Tel. Ext. Room
Stuart BENSON benson x3237 RQ262
John BLAKE jblake x2586 RQ265
Nick CARR carrnick x2587 RQ266
Tzu-Yin CHEN chen-ty x3236 RQ261
Younghyon HEO youngheo x2589 RQ270
Peter ILIC pilic x3246 RQ273
Emiko KANEKO kaneko x3245 RQ272
Alexander KILPATRICK XXXX x2590 RQ274
Will LINGLE lingle x2584 RQ263
Allan NICHOLAS anich x2588 RQ269
Debo ROY droy x2585 RQ264
Ian WILSON wilson x2593 RQ271



To get to the University of Aizu, you can use Google Map on this page, and/or check out the information in this official link: Access to U of Aizu. After arriving on campus, you can find the CLR on the 2nd floor of the Research Quadrangles (RQ) building - see the photo on this page.