A joint research paper between the Computer Communications Lab (*1), led by Professor PHAM T Anh and Associate Professor LE D. Hoang, and Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Vietnam receives the "Top Downloaded Letter Award" in March 2024 from IEICE Communication Express (ComEX) (*2). The corresponding author is Associate Professor LE D. Hoang, and the study is a part of the project funded by JSPS Kakenhi Grant number 23K19124.
(Certificate of Award is dated June 26)

 The award-winning letter (*3), entitled "Resource Allocation for Hybrid FSO/RF Satellite-Assisted Multiple Backhauled UAVs Over Starlink Networks," addresses the resource allocation issue for hybrid free-space optics (FSO)/radio frequency (RF)-based satellite-assisted multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). The obtained results confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed frame allocation scheme by investigating the feasibility of a case study over the Japan networks using practical SpaceX's Starlink satellite constellation.

ComEX Top Downloaded Letter Award_2023XBL0154.jpg

(*1) Computer Communications Lab
(*2) IEICE Communication Express (ComEX)
(*3) award-winning letter