On Wednesday, October 12, 2022, an International Talk on Zoom took place as a Global Lounge activity. Twenty-two people including students, faculty, and staff members participated.

Ms. Habineza Marie Merci, a 2nd-year undergraduate student, was featured as a speaker. She introduced her home country, Rwanda. Mr. Odaira Takuto, a third-year student, did a wonderful job as the MC in English.

The standout feature of her presentation was the meticulously prepared materials. The descriptive slides, combined with her fluent and clear language, attracted the audience's attention and satisfying curiosity for knowledge about Rwanda. (see the pictures below). Her talk covered everything from culture, religion, entertainment, and food in the country and gave the participants a sense of closeness to the country far away from Japan. Not all of the stories are only pleasant. Her story of the sad ethnic strife in Rwanda reminded viewers how grateful we are to be at peace.

With her explanation, viewers learned a great deal about Rwanda. It was also a valuable opportunity to have a real-time presentation by a student with such a broad cultural experience and perspective as Merci-san.

Because the content was so rich, the time for a Q&A session at the end was limited due to time constraints. One participant, Ms. Yashima commented, " This talk by Merci-san was a great opportunity to broaden my horizons. I wish I could have listened to her talk longer. I am glad I attended this event. "

The next International Talk will take place on November 9 via Zoom. We will keep you updated about this event.

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