AY2024 Autumn Degree Conferment Ceremony held
OthersNews ReleaseEvent ReportCommemorative Gifts Aizu Painted Mousepad from the Aizu-Wakamatsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
OthersNews ReleaseConnection Failure of the External Communication Line
OthersNews ReleaseStudentsStudies and Collaborations2024.04.24 2024.04.24 Commemorative Gifts Aizu Painted Mousepad from the Aizu-Wakamatsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
OthersConnection Failure of the External Communication Line
OthersNews ReleaseStudentsStudies and CollaborationsCommemorative Gifts Aizu Painted Mousepad from the Aizu-Wakamatsu Chamber of Commerce and Industry
OthersARC-Vision is newly established
OthersStudies and Collaborations2023.06.22