Hoang LE, second year PhD student supervised by Professor PHAM Tuan Anh at the Computer Communications Laboratory (CCL)(※1), won the IEEE Vehicular Technology Society (VTS) Tokyo Chapter (※2)2019 Young Researcher's Encouragement Award. The award ceremony was held on Sep. 26, 2019 during the IEEE 90th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2019-Fall) (※3)in Honolulu, Hawaii, the USA.
Hoang won the Young Researcher Encouragement Award for his paper entitled "Throughput Analysis of Incremental Redundancy Hybrid ARQ for FSO-based Satellite Systems" presented at the 90th IEEE VTC2019-Fall. This paper deals with one of the most important issues of error-control protocol design in the R&D of the FSO-based satellite systems for disaster control and management, which is currently carried out at CCL in the collaboration with researchers at Hanoi University of Science and Technology (Vietnam) and Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST). In the R&D activities of this project, Hoang also won the Best Paper Award at the 9th ICTC in 2018(※4). In addition, Hoang' travel to Hawaii to attend the conference is supported by the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (TAF), Japan (※5).
The IEEE VTS(※6) is composed of engineers, scientists, students, and technicians, interested in advancing the theory and practice of electrical engineering as it applies to the areas of Land Transportation, Railroad/Mass Transit, Mobile Communications, Vehicular Electrotechnology Equipment and Systems Land, Airborne and Maritime Mobile Services [2].
VTC is a semi-annual flagship conference of the IEEE VTS, which brought together individuals from academia, government, and industry to discuss and exchange ideals in the fields of wireless, mobile, and vehicular technology. The conference featured world-class plenary speakers, tutorials, and technical as well as application sessions. IEEE VTS Japan Chapter, a branch of VTS in Japan, provides two kinds of award (※7), VTS Japan Best Paper Award, and Young Researcher Encouragement Award, to those papers presented in the VTC conferences and recognized as being highly qualified and novel.
Comment from Hoang Le: "To me, being awarded with the IEEE VTS Chapter's 2019 Young Researcher Encouragement is a great honor, after the best paper award that I received at 9th ICTC in 2018. This award will encourage and motivate me to continue doing research in the future. This achievement would not be possible without the excellent guidance and constant support from my supervisor, Professor PHAM Tuan Anh during my study at the University of Aizu. On this occasion, I would like to express my deepest gratitude and respect to him. Besides, I also would like to thank the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation for supporting me to attend the conference at Hawaii, US."