The fifth "World meets Fukushima- FUKUSHIMA SEKAIMESHI cooking class in Fukushima" (*1) was held at the cooking studio of Fukushima City Active Senior Center AOZ (*2) on Saturday, February 21, 2015.

The event aims to convey to the people of greater Tokyo how tasty and attractive Fukushima's produce is, by cooking "SEKAIMESHI = home cuisine around the world" while holding international exchange.

This time, international students from UoA and Fukushima University jointly proposed recipes and cooked eight different dishes including German, Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine using Fukushima produce together with Japanese students. Under the guidance of the international students, the Japanese students tried hard to follow the recipes they had never seen before. They all made friends while cooking.

After that, locals participated in a tasting party. They enjoyed the dishes of different countries which were not the usual for Japanese people, listening to explanations from the international students. Some of the participants said, "We were surprised to learn how differently our familiar foodstuff can be cooked."

The goal of publicizing Fukushima's bounty through world cuisine was accomplished again.

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Enjoying cooking (left), Enjoying tasting (right)

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German recipe: purple cabbage salad (left), Chinese recipe: Gongbao Jiding (Kung-pao chicken) (front) and Mapo doufu (tofu in spicy meat and bean sauce) (back right)


*1 Fukushima City Active Senior Center AOZ:
Address: 1-18 Soneda-machi, Fukushima City, Fukushima Prefecture, 960-8051
*2 World meets Fukushima-FUKUSHIMA SEKAIMESHI: A proposal by the NPO Fukushima Internet Television, run primarily by UoA students, was selected by the Fukushima prefectural government for its "Future from Fukushima - Proposals by Young People for Preventing Damage by Harmful Rumors Project."

Related links:
Project Planned by UoA Students selected by the "Proposals by Young People for Preventing Damage by Harmful Rumors Program"
"The 1st Sekaimeshi Cooking Studio" in Aizu held Open Cooking Studio from "World meets Fukushima FUKUSHIMA SEKAIMESHI " !