"Sekaimeshi Cooking Studio in Aizu - The dish in the world cooked by the product from Fukushima -" (*1) was held at Aizuwakamatsu City Lifelong Learning Center (Aizu-Keikodo), Cooking Studio (*2) on Saturday, August 30, 2014. The objective of this event is to advertise how Fukushima's foodstuffs are tasty and attractive, taking the opportunity of international exchange while cooking "Sekaimeshi = home cuisine around the world" jointly with our international students and local citizens, using delicious locally-produced foodstuffs in Fukushima.

People cooked two recipes, Chinese cuisine "Yu-Xiang Qie Zi (garlic sause with eggplant)" (*3) and Vietnamese cuisine "Goi Cuon (summer roll)" (*4) with UoA international students as cooking instructors. Thanks to the help of Junior College Division's cooking club (*5), people enjoyed cooking safely and smoothly.

As the event title says, people used as much Fukushima foodstuffs as possible. They tried unique arrangements, such as making rice paper with Fukushima's rice flour and using Uchida crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus trowbridgii) (*6) from Kitashiobara Village, Urabandai as an ingredient of the summer roll. The participants and international students enjoyed cooking in a pleasant atmosphere.

The local citizens participating in the event commented with a big smile, "It is surprising that I can cook authentic Chinese cuisine with familiar foodstuffs," "I would love to cook these cuisines at home," "The cuisines taste so good, but the most fun part is cooking with international students," and more.

The program, "World meets Fukushima ? FUKUSHIMA SEKAIMESHI ?" by the NPO Fukushima Internet Television will continue at other locations and proactively provide information about Fukushima's foodstuffs through the internet and SNS.

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*1 World meets Fukushima FUKUSHIMA SEKAIMESHI:
A proposal by the NPO Fukushima Internet Television, run primarily by UoA students, selected by the Fukushma prefectural government for its "Future from Fukushima ? Proposals by Young People for Preventing Damage by Harmful Rumors Project".
Related links 1: Project proposed by UoA students selected by the "Proposals by Young People for Preventing Damage by Harmful Rumors Project"
Related links 2: Official Facebook
*2 Aizuwakamatsu City Lifelong Learning Center:
Address: 3-50 Sakae-machi, Aizuwakamatsu-shi
*3 Yu-Xiang Qie Zi (garlic sauce with eggplant):
Sichuan style spicy stewing with eggplant, which is generally called Ma-bo-nasu (fried eggplant with Chinese chili sauce) in Japan. "Yu-Xiang" is a fish flavored seasoning with salt water, chili peppers, ginger, etc. originated from Sichuan cuisine. Currently, however, Chinese chili bean source and various seasonings are used in it.
*4 Goi Cuon (summer roll):
Typical Vietnamese cuisine meaning "vegetable wrap".Ingredients are rice noodles, vegetables, meet, etc. People wrap them with rice paper and eat it with sauce.
*5 "Food Secret Seekers" of the UoA Junior College Division:
A student circle of the Junior College Dvision that promotes dietary education and improvement of dietary environment
Related link: "Food Secret Seekers" won the 2014 "Food and Nutrition Education Volunteer Prize" at the 9th Food and Nutrition Education National Convention (From official website of the UoA Junior College Division)
*6 Uchida crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus trowbridgii) :
Kitashiobara Village Urabandai located in the north-east of Aizu is one of the famous sightseeing spots in Fukushima. People can enjoy a wealth of blessings of nature there yearlong, such as new green leaves in spring, cool air in summer, fall colors and winter sports.
Uchida crayfish was originally imported from the US for farm-raising and is now living naturally in Japan. It is designated as one of 100 of the Japan's Worst Invasive Alien Species. In order to exterminate it by fishing and eating, Kitashiobara Village organizes "Uchida Crayfishing Competition". It is illegal to take out crayfish, an invasive alien species, alive to another place. So, eating it in a fishing area is an effective way for its extermination. Uchida crayfish boiled in salt water tastes like shrimp and crab, and is very delicious. Eating Uchida crayfish serves a dual purpose, that is, you can both contribute to Uchida crayfish extermination and enjoy tasty food.