A paper of 129 pages by KIHARA Hiroshi Professor at the University of Aizu, has been published in Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society (※1), a publication of the American Mathematical Society (※2).

Details of the journal
Name of Journal:Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
Publication year:2023;Volume 289,Number 1436

Details of the paper
Title of paper:Smooth Homotopy of Infinite-Dimensional C^∞-Manifolds
Author:KIHARA Hiroshi (Mathematics and Physics Laboratory Group)
Link to publication

※ In this paper, I use the notion of a diffeological space along with Quillen's (Daniel Quillen, American Fields Medallist) model categorical framework to develop a homotopy theory which enables us to deal with smooth maps, and then apply it to infinite-dimensional C^∞-manifolds.
(The ordinary homotopy theory deals with topological spaces and continuous maps. Thus, the principal part of this paper is devoted to the construction of a homotopy theory for the study of infinite-dimensional C^∞-manifolds and smooth maps.)

※1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
  (It is the world's foremost mathematical journal specializing in long papers.)
※2 American Mathematical Society(AMS)