A research article from the Computer Communications Laboratory (CCL) (※1) won the Best Paper Award at the 9th International Conference on ICT Convergence (ICTC) 2018 in Jeju, Korea. (※2)
The ICTC conference is organized by The Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (KICS) and technically co-sponsor by IEEE Communications Society and IEICE Communications Society. ICTC is a unique global premier event for researchers, industry professionals, and academics, which aims at interacting with and disseminating information on the latest developments in the emerging industrial convergence centered around the information and communication technologies.

Hoang Le, the first author of the paper, attends the conference and receives the award on behalf of all co-authors, including the collaborators: Dr. Vuong Mai (KAIST) - the former PhD student at the CCL and Dr. Chuyen Nguyen (HUST) - former Visiting Researcher at the CCL.
The award-winning paper, entitled "Sliding Window Protocols with Rate Adaptation for FSO Burst Transmission over Turbulence Channels", addresses the error control issues in the design and development of free-space optical (FSO) communications networks - a project has been carried out at the CCL funded by the Telecommunications Advancement Foundation (TAF). (※3) We propose and analyze the performance of novel protocols adopting the sliding-window technique and rate adaptation that helps to improve the system performance atmospheric turbulence channels. The research group's goal in the project is to design an FSO-based highspeed transmission systems for the quick re-deployment of telecommunication services in the disaster management and recovery.
The first author, Hoang Le, received a BS degree from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and a Master's degree from the DDP program between Vietnam Posts & Telecommunications Institute of Technology (PTIT) and the UoA. He is currently working toward a Ph.D. degree (D1) at CCL under the supervision of Professor Anh T. Pham. (※4) His research focuses on error control protocol design for FSO communications, including terrestrial and satellite systems.

Comment from Hoang Le: "Receiving this award is the great honor for me after 1-year studying hard at the University of Aizu. I would like to take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor Anh T. Pham, for his support, constant encouragement, and patient guidance, without that I could not have this achievement. Besides, I am grateful to co-authors, Dr. Vuong V. Mai from KAIST, Korea and Dr. Chuyen T. Nguyen from Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Vietnam, for their great contributions to the paper. My sincerely thanks also go to the University of Aizu for providing me the DDP scholarship during my 1-year Master study so that I could focus on studying and have the opportunity to obtain this accomplishment. I believe that the award will encourage and motivate me in the next 3 years in the PhD program at the University of Aizu."
(※1)Computer Communications Lab
(※2)ICTC conference website
(※3)Telecommunications Advancement Foundation website
(※4) Professor Anh T. Pham.