This is the 5th day of "Practical Development Projects 2021". The design and development have begun from this lecture. Students prepared the class diagram and sequence diagram for this presentation.

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In this time, the order of presentation is D->A->B->C teams.

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D teams presented about the B-3 gourmet application. They started the development, and completed the registration, modification, and deletion of stores.

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A team presented about "Local rice production and consumption" and "Subscription of rice".

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B team attempted visualization of supply and demand by material matching application.


C team thought the scenario of lecture and talk room.


After the presentation, Q & A session was held among students. B team was asked a question about scope of application.

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Mr.Hoshino, and Mr.Yoshioka reviewed for each teams. In this time, students received an advice about user story. User story is helpful to clarify the value of application.


The next lecture will be held on 11/25(Thu). In the next lecture, the Phase 1 demonstration will be held. Students will demonstrate their application for customer.