This is the 13th day of "Practical Development Projects 2021". Today is the last review before the final presentation. Each sturent adjusted their user-scenario.


In this time, the order of presentation is D->A->B->C teams.

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D team adjusted the user-scenario of "Food Consultant", which is an application for suggestion what user want to eat.

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A team improved the scene definition of "Aizu Vegetable Gacha", which is an application for promotion of marketing the Aizu vegetable.

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B team suggested the scene definition of "Aizu outlet", which is an application for trading the second-hand goods.

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C team adjusted the user-scenario of "Kucchaberi", which is an application for promotion of region exchange for elderly people.

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Mr.Sampei, Mr.Hoshino, and Mr.Yoshioka reviewed for each teams. In this time, A team received an advise about the merit of application. Conversion into money is most popular idea, but the realizability becomes low. Instead of it, thinking about the worth of application is effective to think about merit.

The next lecture will be held on 1/31(Mon). Next class is the final presentation. This lecture "Practical Development Projects 2021" started from October 2021 is about to end. Students will go into the last stage of their development project for the final presentation.