This is the 12th day of "Practical Development Projects 2021". Today is the end of Phase 3, and students demonstrate their product for customer. Each student organized their idea, but the development is still in progress.


In this time, the order of presentation is C->D->A->B teams.

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C team demonstrated the "Kucchaberi", which is an application for promotion of region exchange for elderly people. Especially, they demonstrated the input by voice recognition.

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D team demonstrated the "Food Consultant", which is an application for suggestion what user want to eat. They explained their use case in the demonstration.

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A team demonstrated the "Aizu Vegetable Gacha", which is a function for marketing the Aizu vegetable.

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B team demonstrated the "Aizu outlet", which is web application for trading the second-hand goods.

After the presentation, Q & A session was held among students. D team received not question but positive opinion that "the suggestion to solve the problem about transportation for eating out is good.". The positive opinions like this encourage for the system developer.

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Mr.Sampei, Mr.Hoshino, and Mr.Yoshioka reviewed for each teams. In this time, C team received an advise about the way of demonstration. In the demonstration, teachers check not the technical function but user story. The worth of products will be clarified by development and using the products.

The next lecture will be held on 1/24(Mon). 2 weeks left on this lecture "Practical Development Projects 2021". Students will adjust their user-scenario for the final presentation after a fortnight.