Issuance of certificate of health check

1. Conditions for issuance of health check certificate

  1. In principle, the applicant must have had a health check every year during enrollment.
  2. The applicant must have undergone all the required tests in the April health check and been examined by the university doctor in May.
  3. Applicants who had any abnormal findings must undergo a follow-up exam and submit the results to the Nurse's Office. The results of these follow-up exams must, in principle, be normal.

Definition of abnormal findings

  • Blood pressure outside of the reference range
  • Abnormalities in the urinalysis results
  • Abnormalities in the x-ray results
  • Abnormalities in the blood test or no test results (Only applicants subject to blood tests)
  • Blood tests were not taken. (Only applicants subject to blood tests)
  • Abnormalities found in the examination by the university doctor

2. Application period for health check certificate

 For the health checks in AY2024, a certificate can be issued until March 31, 2025.
(*Certificates are only issued to current students. Graduates and alumni are not eligible.)

3. How to issue

(1) Those who have no abnormal test results and are not currently undergoing treatment or observation of an illness:

Please use the certificate issuing machine at the entrance of the Student Affairs Division to print a certificate on your own. (No application form is required.)
*If the companies, etc. have a designated form, please ask directly to the Nurse's Office if a certificate can be issued using this form.

(2) Those who have abnormal test results or are currently undergoing treatment or observation of an illness:

Please come directly to the Nurse's Office to have your health condition checked. After the check, it will be available to issue the certificate on your own.

*You can check the results of your health check on the Student Information of the Academic Affairs System.
 Abnormal test results will be shown in red.

4. For those who did not undergo a regular health check but wish to receive a health check certificate

Please undergo a health check at a medical institution for the required test items (see the table below) and submit the results to the Nurse's Office.
However, you will be responsible for the cost of the exam (about 5,000-8,000 yen). The cost and time required for the health check differ depending on the medical institution.
The Nurse's Office provides referrals to medical institutions.
The deadline for submitting the test results to the Nurse's Office is June 30.

(Reference) Regular health check test items

◎ Required △ Not required

Height and weight

Blood pressure

Vision test


Chest x-ray

Health consultation

Examination by the university doctor*

1st year

2nd year

Transferred Students Only

3rd year

4th year



New Students Only

New Students Only

  • *Although an examination by the university doctor is required only for new students(undergraduate and graduate), please undergo this exam if you might need a health check certificate for internship or other reasons.
  • Urinalysis test items: protein, sugar, occult blood

the University of Aizu Health Center

Place: Research Quadrangles 1F, Room 148

Office Hours

Monday-Friday 9:00-12:00, 13:00-16:00
*Please check the calendar on the Nurse's Office door for days when the nurse is not available.

Tel.: 0242-37-2517 (extension 2130)
