Lecture 4 Summary of Verilog Design


 1. Signal in Verilog

    a. net -- represent physical connections between hardware elements.
                      No any storage capacity.

                      Values of net is determined by
                       (1)  values of signal sources
                       (2)  high-impedance when the net is not connected to any driver.

    b. register-- able to store values. Even when disconnected, assigned values
                             are kept until a new value is assigned.

  binary signal values: 0,   1 ,  x (unknown), z (high impedance)

  The default value of a net is high-impedance (z), and the default value of
   register is unknown value (x).


   At the beginning, no any source is connected to net and register:

                      ----|      net                       | ----- z
                      |           -------------
       ----- |
                      |          -------------
                      ----|      register               | ----- x

    Then, source 0 is connected to both net and register:

                      ----|      net                       | -----  0
                      |           -------------
    0 ----- |
                      |          -------------
                      ----|      register               | ----- 0

      After that, source 0 is disconnected:
                      ----|      net                       | ----- z
                      |            -------------
       ----- |
                      |          -------------
                      ----|      register               | -----  0

The main difference between nets and registers can be observed when
they are disconnected from source. Nets will switch to high impedance,
while registers preserve their previous values.

2. Scalar Signals and Vector

Scalar signals: single line signal
               input A;     // 1 bit

Vector: multiple-line signals

               input [31: 0] A ;   // 32 bits

               [MSB : LSB],   LSB : the least significant bit
                                           MSB : the most significant bit

3. Continuous assignment and procedural assignment

     assign Q = D;   // continuous assignment


4. initial process and always process

    There are two processes: initial process and always process.
    Initial process is only executed once. However, always process
    might be executed repeatedly.



5. Conditional operator, if-else statement, case statement

a. Conditional operator

    assign Y = (S == 2'b00)  ? D[0] :
                       (S == 2'b01)  ? D[1] :
                       (S == 2'b10)  ? D[2] :
                       (S == 2'b11)  ? D[3] :  1'bx;

b. if-else statement

    if (S == 2'b00)
         Y = D[0];
    else if (S == 2'b01)
         Y = D[1];
    else if (S == 2'b10)
         Y = D[2];
    else if (S == 2'b11)
         Y = D[3];
         Y = 1'bx;

c. case statement

        2'b00 : Y = D[0];
        2'b01 : Y = D[0];
        2'b10 : Y = D[0];
        2'b11 : Y = D[0];
        default: Y = 1'bx;

Both if-else and case statements cannot be used in the continuous
assignment. They can be used in the process ONLY. However,
conditional operator can be used in both the continuous assignment
and processes.