Lecture 2   Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) and its Verilog Design

Reading materials of Lecture 2:

   1. Chapter 4.1 Introduction in the text book.
   2. Chapter 4.2 Signed and Unsigned Numbers in the text book.
   3. Chapter 4.3 Addition and Subtractions in the text book.
   4. Chapter 4.4 logical Operation in the text book.
   5. Chapter 4.5 Constructing an Arithmetic Logic Unit  in the text book.

Design 1  1-bit logical unit for AND and OR

See Figure 4.9

Design 2 1-bit Adder

See Figures 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, and 4.13.

Design 3 1-bit ALU that performs AND, OR, and addition

See Figure 4.14.

Design 4 Verilog Design of 1-bit ALU

module ALU_1_bit(a, b, operation, Result);
      input a, b;
      input [1:0] operation;
      output Result;
      reg Result;

      always@(a or b or operation)
               case (operation)
                  2'b00:  Result = a & b;   // AND
                  2'b01:  Result = a  |   b;   // OR
                  2'b10:  Result = a +  b;    // addition
                  2'b11:  Result = a - b;    // subtraction


Design 5 Schematic design of 32-bit ALU

See Figure 4.15.

Design 6 Verilog Design of 32-bit ALU

module ALU_32_bit(a, b, operation, Result);
      input [31:0] a;
      input [31:0] b;
      input [1:0] operation;
      output [31:0]Result;
      reg [31:0] Result;

      always@(a or b or operation)
               case (operation)
                  2'b00:  Result = a & b;   // AND
                  2'b01:  Result = a  |   b;   // OR
                  2'b10:  Result = a +  b;    // addition
                  2'b11:  Result = a - b;    // subtraction


Three other operations:
     (1) how to perform subtraction;
     (2) how to perform comparison;
     (3) how to test the result is Zero or not.

By two's complement, negating a two's complement number is to
invert each bit and then add 1:
     a - b = a + (-b) = a + (not b) + 1

For comparing rs with rt,
     rs < rt <==> rs - rt < 0
only the sign bit of result of (rs - rt) is needed. In two's complement,
sign bit 1 means negative and 0 means positive.

For testing the Zero signal,
    if Result == 0,
        Zero = 1
        Zero = 0