Lecture   Pipelined Control and Data Hazards

Reading materials of this Lecture:

  1. Chapter 6.3 Pipelined Control  in the text book
  2. Chapter 6.4 Data Hazards and Forwarding in the text book.

Section 1 Control Lines for Pipelined Datapath

Step 1 : label the control lines.

     Control lines can be divided into  five groups based on the five stages.

     1. IF : Nothing to control.
                 control signals for reading Instruction Memory
                 and writing PC are always asserted (1).

     2. ID: Nothing to control.
                control signal of reading Register File is always asserted (1).

     3. EX:
               RegDst:  select the destination field

              ALUOp :  00     lw,  sw
                                  01    beq
                                 10     R-format
                                 11     immediate instructions

              ALUSrc: select data for the second input to ALU

      4. MEM:
                 Branch : asserted for branch instruction only, such as beq
                 MemRead: asserted for lw instruction only
                 MemWrite: asserted for sw only

     5. WB:
                 RegWrite: asserted for lw and R-format

                  MemtoReg: select value to write back to Register File

Step 2 : setup the control values. Since pipelining the datapath does not
change the meaning of control signals, the same control values in
single-cycle MIPS processor can be used. In pipelined datapath, nine
control signals can set to those values for each instruction.

Step 3 : Where to put the control unit?

Since control lines start with the EX stage, the control signals are needed
to create during ID.

Fig.6.29 shows nine control signals  are used in the last three stages as the
instruction moves down the pipeline.

Pipeline registers have to be extended to include the control lines. Four
control lines are used in the EX stage.  The remaining five control lines
pass on to the EX/MEM pipeline register. Three are used during the
MEM stage, and the last two are passed to MEM/WB pipeline register
for use in the WB stage. Fig. 6.30 shows the datapath with control.

Section 2 Example of Five Instructions

      lw       $10,    20($1)
      sub     $11,    $2,     $3
      and    $12,    $4,     $5
      or      $13,    $6,     $7
      add    $14,    $8,     $9

This example had been used as one test example in the exercise design of
pipelined datapath and control.

Figs. 6.31, 6.32, 6.33, 6.34, 6.35 are multiple clock pipeline diagrams
that show how five instructions go through the pipelined datapath.
It takes 9 clock to execute 5 instructions. By examining these five figures
that label the pipeline execution including control, you could understand
more about pipelined datapath and knows how to debug your design
in case there are mistakes in your design.

Section 3 Data Hazards

Hazards: There are situations in pipelining when the next instruction
                  cannot execute in the following clock cycle.

Data Hazards: an instruction depends on the results of a previous instruction
                            still in the pipeline.

Example 1 :
       add     $s0,    $t0,    $t1
       sub      $t2,    $s0,    $t3

In the example, the second instruction is dependent on the result
in $s0 of the first instruction:
     if $s0 = -5 before add
         $s0 =  8   after add
     then the value 8 should be used in the second instruction sub.

 Execution           Time       CC1     CC2      CC3       CC4          CC5        CC6
add $s0, $t0, $t1                    IF ---ID---EX---MEM--WB

value in $s0                             -5        -5        -5          -5          -5/8         8

sub  $t2, $s0, $t3                                 IF ---ID---EX---MEM---WB

For sub instruction, the value in $s0 has to be read in its ID stage (CC3).
However, the value in $s0 in CC3 is still -5 and not the correct value
8. We can only have the correct value in $s0 at the end of clock 5 (CC5).

Another definition of Data Hazards:
     dependencies that "go backward in time" are data hazards. For example,
     in the Example 1, data dependency (data in $s0) goes backward from
     CC5 to CC3.

Software solution:
    Compiler can insert two independent instructions or two "nop" instruction
    between add and sub to make hazard  disappear.

       add     $s0,    $t0,    $t1
       sub      $t2,    $s0,    $t3

nop: no operation. In MIPS, "nop" represents sll $0, $0, 0, which shifts register 0
         left 0 bits.