Lecture 1 Course Introduction and Overview of Verilog


Part 1: Course Introduction :


1. Instructors :

    Prof. Chu and Yong Liu will take in charge this course.

   Contact address:

        Prof. Chu : w-chu@u-aizu.ac.jp

        Prof. Liu : yliu@u-aizu.ac.jp
                           office  102B

        If you have any questions or suggestions, please write to us. You also  can drop in
        my office to talk with me  on anything concerning about the course.

2. Text Book:

                   Computer Organization and Design - The Hardware/Software
                   Interface. David. A. Patterson and John L. Hennessy, 2nd edition,
                   Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, ISBN 1-55860-428-6 (cloth). ---
                   ISBN 1-55860-491-X (paper) 1998.

                   The Japanese translation of the book is also available. The
                   information can be found at:

                  You can use either English text book or the Japanese text book.

3. Course Description:

  In this course, students are expected to learn how to design the
  single-cycle datapath and control, and evolve the design into a
  pipelined organization. Students will also learn both schematic
  design and Verilog design in the exercises. The course will cover:

  1. A tutorial introduction to Verilog hardware description language
  2. Review of MIPS assembly language
  3. Datapath and Control
        (1) A single-cycle implementation
        (2) A multicycle implementation
  4. Enhancing performance with pipelining
        (1) Pipelined datapath
        (2) Pipelined control
        (3) Data hazards and forwarding
        (4) Data hazards and stalls

4. Course Objectives:

      (1)  to expose students to the important principles of computer organization

      (2)  to learn design of the MIPS processor from a simple implementation to a
              fully pipelined version

      (3)  to learn how to evaluate the performance of the design

      (4)  to introduce Verilog hardware description language for digital computer

5. Student Evaluation

   End-of-term examination (50%) and laboratories reports (50%). Re-examination will not
   be given

     Class participation:

         "as it is stipulated in Article Eight, Paragraph Three of
           the University Regulation On The Completion Of The University Of Aizu
           Studies that "Should a student fail to attend a minimum of two-thirds
           of the actual class time for a particular course, as a matter of
           principle, that student shall lose the right to take that course's

           I quoted the above words from the Student Affairs Section. According to
           the rule, you have to attend the AT LEAST 9 classes for  Lectures
           and 18 for Exercises. If you failed on attending the required the number of classes,
           you need to give me a report to state the reason why you cannot do it.
           If your attendance is less than 9 (< 9) for  Lecture and 18 for Exercise,
           you will lose the right to take the examination of this course.

       Lab Exercise:

           You will be involving in a large design project in the exercises. You will
            do part of design in each exercise. First, you will design a single-cycle
            datapath and control. In the later exercise, you will develop your early
            design to a pipelined organization.

            Please do your exercise design by yourself. You can ask helps from
            professors or Teaching Assistants or your classmates. However, you
            CANNOT copy other students' file or design work. If such thing happens,
            all students involving in it will be severely punished for their final marks.

        Final Exams:

             Open book and open notes. You can bring any reference books
             and notes to the exam. The purpose is to test whether you have mastered
             or understood the teaching materials. You need not  memorise the materials.

6. Course Web Page

     If you want to find the course information of Computer Architecture, go to


     If you want to get the lecture notes, go to


     If you want to find the course information of Computer Architecture Exercise, go to


Part 2 Overview of Verilog

     Verilog is hardware description language (HDL) used for describing and designing

     You can find Verilog Backgrounder from the link


     In this course, we only learn part of Verilog HDL that is needed for our design task. You will learn Verilog by example and by design.

     Verilog can give make descriptions and design in different levels. We will introduce three types of Verilog codes:
        (1) Structural Description: equivalent to schematic
        (2) Dataflow Description:   use the assignment statements based on Boolean equations
        (3) Behavioral Description: description at a level higher than the logic level

       Example 1: Structural Verilog for 2-to-1 Multiplexor

        module   multiplexor_2_to_1_str(d,a,b,c);      // module declaration
            input        d, a, b;                                               // input declaration
            output      c;                                                       // output declaration

            wire        not_d;                                              // wire is the default net type
            wire          N_a, N_b;

            not     (not_d, d);                                            // primitive not gate

            and    (N_a, not_d, a);                                  // primitive and gate
            and    (N_b, d, b);

            or       (c, N_a, N_b);                                      // primitive or gate

       endmodule                                                      // ending by endmodule, no semicolon (;)

Example 2: Dataflow Verilog for 2-to-1 Multiplexor

        module     multiplexor_2_to_1_df(d,a,b,c); // module declaration
            input     d, a, b;                                              // input declaration
            output   c;                                                      // output declaration

            assign    c = (~d & a) | (d & b);                //  assignment using bitwise operation
                                                                                     // ~   bitwise NOT operation
                                                                                    //   & bitwise AND operation
                                                                                     //   |   bitwise  OR    operation
       endmodule                                                      // ending by endmodule, no semicolon (;)

Example 3: Behavioral Verilog for 2-to-1 Multiplexor

        module     multiplexor_2_to_1_beh(d,a,b,c); // module declaration
            input      d, a, b;                                              // input declaration
            output    c;                                                      // output declaration
             reg         c;

             always@ (d or a or b)                                    // always statement. Whenever the events in the list
                                                                                    //  change, the statement will be executed. For example,
                                                                                    //  if the input a change the value from 0 to 1
                      case (d)                                                //  case statement, very similar to the switch in C language
                         1'b0 :  c = a;
                         1'b1 :  c = b;
                   endcase                                             // case statement start with case and end with endcase

       endmodule                                                      // ending by endmodule, no semicolon (;)

All red color words in the  examples, such as module and input, are keywords in Verilog.