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The Kubernetes description provided by platforms such as AWS and GCP uses a load balancer (LB) that is assigned a global IP address for communication with the outside world.

In our k8s cluster, the MetalLB is used to assign IP addresses in the range

The LB assigned the address of cannot be accessed from any other places except seminar room 10, such as exercise rooms and ains-wifi.

From AY2021, we recommend using Ingress by the service object,svc/<username>-svc (e.g., svc/s12xxxxxxx-svc), rather than LB.

1. Basic usage

On the official site, kubernetes.io official - Service Type: LoadBalancer, you can find the service definition that forwards communication to port 9376 of a pod with the label "app.kubernetes.io/name: MyApp" on selector is shown in the following.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: my-service
    app: MyApp
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 80
      targetPort: 9376
  type: LoadBalancer
  • name: should be unique and an arbitrary name that is easy to understand.

  • selector: is the value set in the pod’s metadata.labels.

  • port: should be the port number you want the external connection to use.

  • targetPort: is the port number that the Pod is using.

When you want to expose your pod through the network, please use this definition and modify those four parameters.

Adding type: LoadBalancer to the Service definition of nginx-nfs prepared in Persistent Storage will allow access with the IP address 192.168.100.x/24.