Try not to become a man of success, but rather to become a man of value. ------Albert Einstein
Yan Pei (裴 岩)
Associate Professor / 准教授 School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of Aizu / 会津大学 コンピュータ理工学部 Graduate School of Computer Science and Engineering, the University of Aizu / 会津大学 大学院コンピュータ理工学研究科 Tsuruga, Ikki-machi, Aizu-Wakamatsu, 965-8580 Japan / 〒965-8580日本国福島県会津若松市一箕町鶴賀 TEL: +(81)-242-37-2765 Email: peiyan (at) / peiyan (at) |
[Call for students]: Active and excellent students (bachelor, master, doctor) are always welcome to join us, if their conditions match with us. My research topics involve computational intelligence and machine learning. If you want to work with me on these topics to complete your undergraduate or graduate studies, please contact with me by email, telephone, or stop by me.
[学部・大学院受験者へ]:学部・大学院研究(学士, 修士, 博士)をしたい学生は,条件が合えば基本的に歓迎します.研究テーマは計算知能と機械学習に関連した内容が多いです.私の業績で最近5年間を見ていただければ,大体のテーマ分野がお分かりいただけます.考慮する条件は,指導学生総数,研究テーマ,研究資質です.電話,電子メール,場合によっては直接面談で事前に問い合わせてください。その後,受験合格後の受け入れ承諾を受けてから,受験手続きをしてください.大学院入試に関しては,本学ホームページより入試を選択してください.コース内容や授業内容は,コンピュータ・情報システム学専攻をご覧下さい.
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Short Biography
I was born in Shenyang, China. I received my Doctor of Engineering from Kyushu University, Japan. I received the B. Eng. and M. Eng. Degrees from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, respectively. I am currently working as an Associate Professor at the University of Aizu, Japan.
Recent Research Topics and Projects:
computational intelligence, machine learning, interactive evolutionary computation, human computer interaction, humanized computing
Doctor of Engineering (Dr. Eng.), Applied Mathematics and Computer
Science, Kyushu University, Japan, [Dissertation
Master of Engineering (M. Eng.), Software Engineering, Northeastern University,
Bachelor of Engineering (B. Eng.), Software Engineering, Northeastern University, China
High School Diploma, Shenyang Railway Experimental Middle School, Shenyang, China
My other websites:
We were organized and are organizing a special session on Computational intelligence with human factors at CEC every year, welcome to submit your paper!
We were organized and are organizing a special session on “Soft Computing” at SMC 2015- now, welcome to submit your paper!
I organize an open seminar on Kernel Method, welcome to your attendance!
Public Lectures: “Art and Physics-- space, time and light”/ 会津大学公開講座: “芸術と物理--空間、時間、そして光について”