Michael Cohen's Selected Publications
- Conference Proceedings
- Smartphone Rigging with GUI Control Emulation for Freeware Rapid Prototyping of Mixed Virtuality Scenes, by Michael Cohen.
In: MGIA: SIGGRAPH Asia Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications. Macao, Dec. 2016. isbn: 978-1-4503-4551-4/16/12.
DOI 10.1145/2999508.2999511.
- Metering "Black Holes": Networking Stand-Alone Applications for Distributed Multimodal Synchronization,
by Michael Cohen, Yousuke Nagayama, and Bektur Ryskeldiev In: Proc. ICMI: ACM Int. Conf. on Multimodal Interaction. Tokyo, June 2016.
doi: 10.1145/2993148.2998530.
- BrainID: Development of a Biometric EEG-Based Authentication System,
by Isuru Jayarathne, Michael Cohen, and Senaka Amarakeerthi.
In: Proc. IEMCON: 7th IEEE Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conf.
Vancouver, Oct. 2016. isbn: 978-1-5090-0996-1 (Xplore Compliant), 978-1-5090-0995-4 (USB).
- From Killing Trees to Executing Bits: A Survey of Computer-Enabled Reading Enhancements for Evolving Literacy, by Michael Cohen. In VSMM: Proc. Int. Conf. on Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Hong Kong, Dec. 2014. http://www.vsmm2014.org. "Best Paper" Awards, Information Visualization Track and Overall.
- Zebrackets: A Score of Years and Delimiters,
by Michael Cohen, Blanca Mancilla, and John Plaice. In: Proc. TUG: TEX Users Group Meeting. Toronto, July 2016.
- "Lights, Camera, Action!": ambient lighting extending photospherical display,
by Naoki Tsukida, Bektur Ryskeldiev, and Michael Cohen. In: Proc. VRCAI: Int. Conf. on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry, Demonstration. Kobe, Oct. 2015.
- Rendering spatial audio through dynamically reconfigurable smartphone loudspeaker arrays,
by Bektur Ryskeldiev, Michael Cohen, and Julián Villegas. In: Proc. VRCAI: Int. Conf. on Virtual Reality Continuum and Its Applications in Industry.
Poster. Kobe, Oct. 2015.
- Exocentric Visualization of "Reality Distortion" Interface to Interpret Egocentric Reprojection Perspective,
by Michael Cohen, Tomohiro Oyama, and Naoki Tsukida. In: Proc. ICAT-EGVE: Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence and the Eurographics Symp. on Virtual Environments.
Ed. by M. Imura, P. Figuroa, and B. Mohler. Demonstration. Kyoto, Oct. 2015.
- Restoration and Enhancement of Panoramic Imagery Based on Image Subjects Captured at Different Focal Distances,
by Zhi-Yong Qiu, Qiangfu Zhao, and Michael Cohen. In: Proc. IEEE iCAST: Int. Conf. on Awareness Science and Technology,
Qinhuangdao, China, Sept. 2015, pp. 184–189. doi: 10.1109/ICAwST.2015.7314044.
- Exocentric Rendering of "Reality Distortion" User Interface to Illustrate Egocentric Reprojection,
by Michael Cohen and Tomohiro Oyama. In: Proc. SUI: ACM Symp. on Spatial User Interaction. Poster demonstration. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC7cNSB1ZWE. Los Angeles, Aug. 2015, p. 130. isbn: 978-1-4503-3703-8. doi: 10.1145/2788940.2794357.
- Hierarchical Narrowcasting,
by Michael Cohen. In: Proc. HCII: Int. Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction– DAPI: Int. Conf. on Distributed, Ambient and Pervasive Interactions.
LNCS 9189. Los Angeles, Aug. 2015, pp. 274–286. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-20804-625.
- New Multibibliography Package,
by Boris Veytsman and Michael Cohen.
In: TUG: 36th Annual Meeting of the TEX Users Group. http://www.ctan.org/pkg/nmbib, http://ftp.jaist.ac.jp/pub/CTAN/macros/latex/contrib/nmbib/.
Darmstadt, July 2015, pp. 133–135. url: https://tug.org/tug2013/slides/Veytsman-tugtalk.pdf.
- Folkways in Wonderland: a cyberworld for ethnomusicological exhibition and research,
by Michael Frishkopf, Rasika Ranaweera, and Michael Cohen. In: Proc. CSTM: Canadian Society for Traditional Music: "Exhibiting Music". Ed. by Chris McDonald and Marcia Ostashewski. Sydney, Nova Scotia, June 2015.
- Curating Ethnomusicology in Cyberworlds: "World Music in Wonderland,"
by Rasika Ranaweera, Michael Frishkopf, and Michael Cohen. In: Proc. CSTM Pre-Conference Workshop: Canadian Society for Traditional Music: Curating Ethnomusicology. Ed. by Chris McDonald and Marcia Ostashewski. Sydney, Nova Scotia, June 2015.
- Seamless panorama based on image subjects captured at different focal distances,
by Qiangfu Zhao, Michael Cohen, and Zhi-Yong Qiu. In: TSJC: Tohoku Section Joint Convention of Institutes of Electrical and Information Engineers
, Japan. Aizu-Wakamatsu, Jan. 2015.
- Twirling Gestural Musical Sequencing and Synthesizing,
by Bektur Ryskeldiev, Aya Hashimoto, Toshimune Miyaji, and Michael Cohen.
In: Proc. HC: Int. Conf. on Humans and Computers. Aizu-Wakamatsu, Hamamatsu, and Düsseldorf, Dec. 2014.
- From Killing Trees to Executing Bits: A Survey of Computer-Enabled Reading Enhancements for Evolving Literacy,
by Michael Cohen. In: VSMM: Proc. Int. Conf. on Virtual Systems and Multimedia. Hong Kong, Dec. 2014. isbn: 978-1-4799-7227-2.
doi: 10.1109/VSMM.2014.7136686.
- Multimodal mobile-ambient transmedial twirling with environmental lighting to complement fluid perspective with phase-perturbed affordance projection,
by Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Bektur Ryskeldiev, Tomohiro Oyama, Aya Hashimoto, Naoki Tsukida, and Miyaji Toshimune.
In SIGGRAPH Asia Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications,
Shenzhen, China, December 2014. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2669062.2669080, http://sa2014.siggraph.org/en/attendees/symposium-on-mobile-graphics-and-interactive-applications.html?view=event&type=soa&event=210.
- Mixed virtuality transducer: virtual camera relative location displayed as ambient light,
by Michael Cohen, Rasika Ranaweera, Bektur Ryskeldiev, Tomohiro Oyama, Aya Hashimoto, Naoki Tsukida, and Miyaji Toshimune.
In SIGGRAPH Asia Symp. on Mobile Graphics and Interactive Applications,
Shenzhen, China, December 2014. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2669062.2684185, http://sa2014.siggraph.org/en/attendees/symposium-on-mobile-graphics-and-interactive-applications.html?view=event&type=soa&event=222.
- "Roughometer": Realtime Roughness Calculation and Profiling, by Julián Villegas and Michael Cohen, AES 125th Convention, San Francisco.
- "Back-Seat Driver":
Spatial Sound for Vehicular Way-Finding
and Situation Awareness,
Michael Cohen,
Owen Noel Newton Fernando,
Tatuya Nagai,
and Kensuke Shimizu.
Proc. FCST'06: Japan-China Joint Workshop on Frontier of Computer Science and Technology,
17-18 November 2006,
- DSP-based Real-time Harmonic Stretching,
Julián Villegas and Michael Cohen,
Proc. HC, pages 164-168,
Aizu-Wakamatsu, Tokyo, & Düsseldorf,
Sep 6-9, 2006.
- "Multimodal Clients for the Schaire Internet Chair: Personal Panoramic Displays for a Rotary Motion Platform
," EDT: Emerging Display Technology Workshop (Alexandria, VA), March 2006.
- "Personal Practically Panoramic" Multimodal Interfaces,
Kayoko Kanno, Newton Fernando, Alam Bolhassan, Sho Narita, and Michael Cohen,
IEEE VR 2006 Workshop on Emerging Display Technology,
Alexandria, VA,
March, 2006.
- "Narrowcasting Operations for Mobile Phone CVE Chatspace Avatars", ICAD: Int. Conf. on Auditory Display, Boston: Boston University, 2003.
The Internet Chair,
by Michael Cohen.
IJHCI: Int. J. of Human-Computer Interaction, 15(2):297-311, 2003. ISSN 1044-7318.
"Just Look at Yourself!":
Stereographic Exocentric Visualization and Emulation
of Stereographic Egocentric Panoramic Dollying
Noor Alamshah Bolhassan,
Michael Cohen,
William L. Martens,
Owen Newton Fernando,
Tomoya Kamada,
Hiroaki Osaka,
Takuzou Yoshikawa.
Proc. ICAT'02 (Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Teleexistence), Dec., 2002.
- Networked Speaker Array Streaming Back to Client:
the World's Most Expensive Sound Spatializer?
Michael Cohen,
Takuya Azumi,
Masahiro Sasaki,
Osamu Takeichi,
So Yamaoka.
Proc. ICAT'02 (Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Teleexistence), Dec., 2002.
Beyond Flat Panning and Zooming: Dolly-Enhanced SQTVR, by Alam Bolhassan, William Martens, and Michael Cohen.
Proc. Int. Symp. on Cyber Worlds: Theories and Practices (CW2002), November 2002 (Tokyo).
Emerging and Exotic Auditory Interfaces, by Michael Cohen.
Proc. AES114 (Amsterdam), March 2003 (Amsterdam).
Mobile Control of Multimodal Groupware in a Collaborative Virtual Environment,
by Toshifumi Kanno, Michael Cohen, Yutaka Nagashima, and Tomohisa Hoshino.
Proc. ICAT'01 (Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Teleexistence), Dec., 2001.
Augmented Audio Reality: compositing mobile telerobotic and virtual spatial audio,
by Yasuhiro Yamazaki, Michael Cohen, Jie Huang, Tomohide Yanagi
Proc. ICAT'01 (Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Teleexistence), Dec., 2001.
Psychophysically-derived control of source range
for the Pioneer Sound Field Controller,
AES 110th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society,
Preprint 5313, Amsterdam, Netherlands, May, 2001.
Design of a Collaborative Virtual Environment
Featuring Multimodal Information Controlled by a Dynamic Map
3D Forum 15(1), March, 2001, p. 133-136.
(An earlier version appeared in
Proc. HC'2000,
Sept. 2000; Aizu-Wakamatsu.)
- A Design for Integrating the Internet Chair and a Telerobot,
Int. Conf. on Information Society In The 21st Century,
Nov. 2000; Aizu-Wakamatsu.)
An interface for a soundscape-stabilized spiral-spring swivel-seat
(with Kenta Sasa),
Westprac VII,
The Seventh Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conf.
(Oct. 2000; Kumamoto)
The Internet Chair,
Proc. ICAT'99: Int. Conf. on Artificial Reality and Telexistence
(16-18 December 1999; Tokyo).
(pdf version).
Chat Space Models:
Idioms for Uni-, Narrow- and Multicasting,
Joint Mtg. of the
137th Mtg. of the Acoustical Society of America
and the
2nd Convention of the European Acoustics Association
(14-19 March 1999; Berlin).
Figurative Representations of Exclude and Include,
with Jens Herder,
Proc. Virtual Environments
(16-18 June, 1998; Stuttgart, Germany).
Spatialization Resource Management in Virtual Reality Environments,
with Jens Herder, presented
at ASVA'97
Concerts, and Cocktail Parties (in Japanese, with Mikiko Cohen), expanded
transcription of a public lecture
Audio Windows for Synchronous
and Asynchronous Conferencing,
Virtual Reality and Persons with Disabilities '95
Immersion: Overlaid Points of View and Frames of Reference; Using Audio
Windows to Analyze Audio Scenes
, ICAT/VRST'95, Makuhari Messe, Chiba; Nov. 1995.
(pdf version).
Audio Windows for Virtual Concerts I (abstract for video), ICAT/VRST'95, Makuhari Messe, Chiba; Nov. 1995.
Audio Windows for Virtual Concerts II (abstract for video), ICAT/VRST'95, Makuhari Messe, Chiba; Nov. 1995.
Design for a GPS PGS, presented
at Virtual Reality and Persons
with Disabilities '94
Putting Spatial Sound Into Voicemail, Networked
Reality '94: the 1st Int. Workshop on Networked Reality in Telecommunication
, with Nobuo Koizumi
- Journal Papers
- Narrowcasting and Multipresence for Music Auditioning and Conferencing in Social Cyberworlds, by Rasika Ranaweera, Michael Cohen, and Michael Frishkopf.
Presence 24(3): 229-242, Summer 2015.
- Narrowcasting for Articulated Privacy and Attention in SIP Audio Conference, by Mohammad Sabbir Alam, Michael Cohen, Julián Villegas, and Ashir Ahmed.
JMM: J. of Mobile Multimedia (Special Issue on Multimedia Networking and Applications),
Qun Jin and Tomoya Enokido, editors.
- Articulated Narrowcasting for Privacy and Awareness in Multimedia Conferencing Systems and Design for Implementation Within A SIP Framework",
by Sabbir Alam, Michael Cohen, and Ashir Ahmed,
JVRB: J. of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 4(9), 2008.
(pdf version here)
- "A Multiuser Multiperspective Stereographic QTVR Browser Complemented by Java3D Visualizer and Emulator
", by Michael Cohen, Noor Alamsha Bolhassan, and Owen Noel Newton Fernando, Presence, Vol. 16, No. 4, August 2007, pp 414-438.
- "Articulated Narrowcasting for privacy and Awareness in Multimedia Conferencing Systems and Design for Implementation Within A SIP Framework
", by Sabbir Alam, Michael Cohen, and Ashir Ahmed, J. of Virtual Reality and Broadcasting, 4(9), 2007.
- A Multiuser Multiperspective Stereographic QTVR Browser Complemented by Java3D Visualizer and Emulator.
Michael Cohen,
Noor Alamshah Bolhassan,
Owen Noel Newton Fernando.
16(4), August 2007.
- Duplex narrowcasting operations for multipresent groupware avatars on mobile devices,
IJWMC: Int. J. of Wireless and Mobile Computing,
Owen Noel Newton Fernando,
Michael Cohen,
Uresh Duminduwardena,
and Makoto Kawaguchi,
3(2):280-287, 2009.
- Harmonic Stretching with the Helical Keyboard,
Julián Villegas and Michael Cohen,
J. of Three-Dimensional Images,
March 2006.
- Audio Narrowcasting and Privacy for Multipresent Avatars on Workstations and Mobile Phones,
Owen Noel Newton Fernando,
Kazuya Adachi,
Uresh Duminduwardena,
Makoto Kawaguchi,
Michael Cohen.
IEICE Trans. Inf. & Syst., E89-D(1):73-87, January 2006.
VR4U2C: A Multiuser Multiperspective Panorama and Turnorama Browser Using QuickTime VR and Java Featuring Multimonitor and Stereographic Display
Alamshah Bolhassan, Michael Cohen, and William L. Martens.
TVRSJ: Trans. Virtual Reality Society of Japan, 9(1):69-78, March 2004.
ISSN 1344-011X.
The Helical Keyboard,
Jens Herder and Michael Cohen,
J. of New Music Research,
31(3):269-281, 2002. ISBN 0929-8215.
Distributed Virtual Environment Interface for a Mobile Phone,
by Yutaka Nagashima and Michael Cohen.
3D Forum: J. of Three-Dimensional Images. 15(4):102-106, 12/2001.
Virtual Acoustic Research at the University of Aizu, William L. Martens and Michael Cohen.
J. of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan (JVRSJ), 6(3):261-269, Dec. 2001.
Exclude and Include for Audio Sources and Sinks:
Analogs of
& solo
are deafen
& attend
9(1):84-96, Feb. 2000.
Cyberspatial Audio Technology,
Michael Cohen,
Jens Herder,
and William L. Martens
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (E),
Nov. 1999.
サーバースペイシャル 音響 技術 (Cyberspatial Audio Technology),
with Jens Herder
and William L. Martens,
Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan,
Oct. 1999.
Virtual Gain for Audio Windows,
with Nobuo Koizumi,
Feb. 1998.
A Virtual Reality Sound System Using Room-Related Transfer Functions Delivered Through a Multispeaker Array: the PSFC at the University of Aizu Multimedia Center
Katsumi Amano,
Fumio Matsushita,
Hirofumi Yanagawa,
Jens Herder,
William L. Martens,
Yoshiharu Koba,
Mikio Tohyama,
TVRSJ: Trans.
Virtual Reality Society of Japan
3(1):1-12, 1998.
Adaptive character generation
and spatial expressiveness, TUGboat: The Communications of the TeX Users Group
, 15(3):192-198, Sept. 1994.
Design and Control of Shared Conferencing Environments
for Audio Telecommunication Using Individually Measured HRTFs,
Michael Cohen, Nobuo Koizumi, and Shigeaki Aoki,
Winter 1994 (rtf version)
3(1):87-93, Winter 1994 (rtf version)
Throwing, pitching, and catching sound:
audio windowing models and modes,
Int. J. Man-Machine Studies,
Aug. 1993.
Integrating Graphical and Audio Windows,
Fall 1993
- Book Chapters
- Dimensions of spatial sound and interface styles of audio augmented reality: Whereware, wearware, & everyware,
Chap. 12
in second edition of Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, edited by Woodrow Barfield, by Michael Cohen.
- Applications of audio augmented reality: Wearware, everyware, anyware, & awareware,
Chap. 13
in second edition of Fundamentals of Wearable Computers and Augmented Reality, edited by Woodrow Barfield, by Michael Cohen & Julián Villegas.
- "Awareware": Narrowcasting Attributes for Selective Attention, Privacy, and Multipresence Awareness, by Michael Cohen and Owen Noel Newton Fernando.
In Panos Markopoulos, Boris de Ruyter, and Wendy Mackay, editors, Awareness Systems: advances in theory, methodology and design, chapter 11.
Springer, 2009.
Human Computer Interaction.
- Narrowcasting in SIP: Articulated Privacy Control, by Sabbir Alam, Michael Cohen, Julián Villegas & Ashir Ahmed, chapter 14, pages 323-345, SIP Handbook: Services, Technologies, and Security of Session Initiation Protocol, Edited by Syed Ahson and Mohammad Ilyas, CRC Press, 2009,
10-ISBN 1-4200-6603-X, 13-ISBN 978-1-4200-6603-6.
- Virtual Reality,
by Michael Cohen,
chapter in Mathematics, Macmillan Science Library, Volume 4, ISBN 0-02-865565-6 (ISBN 0-02-865561-3 for set), 2002
Quantity of Presence: Beyond Person, Number, and Pronouns,
Chapter 19 (p. 289-308) in Cyberworlds (T. L. Kunii and A. Luciani, eds.),
Springer-Verlag, 1998.
ISBN 4-431-70207-5.
The Design of Multidimensional Sound Interfaces, co-authored with Elizabeth
M. Wenzel, in Virtual Environments and Advanced Interface Design, (Oxford
University Press, Barfield/Furness, editors)
- Others
- Spatial Media Research at the University of Aizu,
by Michael Cohen and William L. Martens,
J. of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan. 6(2):52-57, Sept. 2001.
- The Prokaryote/Eukaryote Difference,
BioScience, 41(1):59, Jan. 1991, with Kyle Tevlin and Frank Florio.
- "Sonic Audio," hypermedia courseware by Durand Begault and Michael Cohen, edited by Julián Villegas
- promotional video for Introduction to Sound and Audio,
part of our Intensive Lecture Series
in the IT Specialists Program.
- Henkakusuru Daigaku" ['Changing Universities'], 08->09, p. 62-65 in the Nikkei BP
- Toshi Mondai (Vol. 99, No. 2; Feb. 2008)
- movies about our group made by Prof. Dr. Karin Welkert-Schmitt of the Department of Media at the Hochschule Düesseldorf.
(Check out the "Science presentation at the University of Aizu.")
The whole list, with abstracts.
Michael Cohen
Last modified: Thu Aug 25 12:54:14 JST 2005